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Disney's The Little Mermaid
at Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre
Lyrics by
Howard Ashman & Glenn Slater
Music by
Alan Menken
Book by
Doug Wright |
Based on the Hans Christian Andersen Story and the Disney Film produced by Howard Ashman & John Musker and
written & directed by John Musker and Ron Clements. |
Originally Produced by
Disney Theatrical Productions
Orchestrations by Danny Troob
Incidental Music and Vocal Arrangements by Michael Kosarin
Dance Arrangements by David Chase
Disney's The Little Mermaid
Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
Flying Effects provided by ZFX
Disney's The Little Mermaid is sponsored in part by

Season Sponsors

Welcome to the Arrow Rock Lyceum's 60th Season! Though much has changed about The Lyceum since its founding in 1960, our mission remains the same: to develop, enrich and engage our audience through professional theatre. We know you will enjoy the exciting work of our exceptionally talented company of actors, directors, designers, stage managers, and technicians throughout the year. We hope the 2021/22 Season will renew your delight in this remarkable theatre, set within the charming ambiance of the historic Village of Arrow Rock.
Everything you see and hear on stage is made possible by our sponsors, backers, volunteers, board of directors and most of all you, our wonderful audience. We are grateful for your support as The Lyceum continues our second half century.
If you are a newcomer to The Lyceum, welcome! Please join our mailing list so that we can keep in touch. If you are a returning audience member, welcome back to what we hope you think of as YOUR theatre! Your continuing friendship inspires and sustains us.
Board of Directors
Doug Crews, President
Marilyn Gordon, First Vice President
John Fletcher, Second Vice President
John Landrum, Treasurer
Jennifer True, Secretary
Arrow Rock
Nancy Blossom, Member-at-Large
Donna Huston, Member-at-Large
Dick Malon, Immediate Past President
John Ashford (Emeritus)
Alexandria, VA
Elizabeth Bellamy
Patricia Cowden
Rebecca Early
Nikki Fahnestock
Dave Griggs
Marti Hodge
Kansas City
Kirk Isenhour
Kansas City
Brad Jones
Jefferson City
Michael Kateman
Robert Lamm (Emeritus)
Rich Lawson
Edward Milbank
James Roller
Vicki Russell
Katie Shannon
Bea Litherland Smith
Stacey Thompson
Musical Numbers
Act I
- The World Above - Ariel
- Fathoms Below - Eric, Grimsby, Pilot, Sailors
- Daughters of Triton - Mersisters
- If Only (Triton’s Lament) - Triton
- Daddy’s Little Angel - Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam
- Part of Your World - Ariel
- Part of Your World (Reprise) - Ariel
- She’s in Love - Mersisters, Flounder
- Her Voice - Eric
- Under the Sea - Sebastian, Sea Creatures
- If Only (Ariel’s Lament) - Ariel
- Sweet Child - Flotsam, Jetsam
- Poor Unfortunate Souls - Ursula
Act II
- Positoovity - Scuttle, Seagulls
- Beyond My Wildest Dreams - Ariel, Grimsby, Maids
- Les Poissons - Chef Louis
- Les Poissons (Reprise) - Chef Louis
- One Step Closer - Eric, *Ariel
- Daddy’s Little Angel (Reprise) - Ursula
- Kiss the Girl - Sebastian, Animals
- If Only (Quartet) - Ariel, Eric, Sebastian, Triton
- The Contest - Grimsby, Princesses
- Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise) - Ursula
- Finale - Ariel, Triton, Eric, Ensemble
Season Sponsors
* member Actors Equity Association
***Member United Scenic Artists
Lyceum Orchestra
Conductor, Keyboards: Brett Kristofferson
Reeds: Kate Farris
French Horn: Lindsey Tevebaugh
Trumpet: John Perkins
Bass: Isaac Foley
Percussion: Matt Fetterly
Sinfonia Operator: Todd Yatsook
In Appreciation
As a result of the generosity of many of our friends, The Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre has established The Lyceum Heritage Society. Membership in The Lyceum Heritage Society is open to anyone who invests in The Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre through a variety of estate planning tools such as bequests, gifts of life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, pooled income funds, charitable lead trusts, or charitable gift annuities. We recognize the following individuals for their commitment to the future of The Lyceum Theatre.
Chet F. Breitwieser
Charles & Pat Cooper
Jane C. Crow
Kathy Digges
Rebecca Early
John & Trish Fletcher
Dave & Nancy Griggs
John & Donna Huston
Michael Kateman
Day & Whitney Kerr
Erich & Edna Kirsten
John Landrum
Rich & Debbie Lawson
Dick & Cindy Malon
John Stewart
Abigail W. & Frederick Tempel
Each year, The Lyceum relies on the generous support of very special individuals who are a part of our Producers Society. Formed in 2004, this amazing group through their leadership giving each year, help bring quality productions to our stage for you to enjoy. We are proud to give a standing ovation to recognize the following members of our Producers Society.
SPOTLIGHT PRODUCER ($10,000 and above)
Mary Harrel & John R. Jr Lawrence
Beatrice Litherland Smith
Michael & Victoria Wallace
Dennis & Beth Abernathie – Chapel Hill Pilates
John & Jill Darwant
Rebecca Early
Dana Frink
Marilyn Gordon
Al & Anita Gosney
Gerald Hazelbauer & Linda Randall
Richard & Marti Hodge
John Landrum
Richard & Peggy Poe
David & Karen Rawlings
William & Jennifer True
LEAD PRODUCER ($2,500-4,999)
John & Pat Cowden
Greg & Kelly DeLine
Kathy Digges
Doris Dixon & Don Crosby
Douglas Drown
Martha & Tom Fifer
John & Tricia Fletcher
Dave & Nancy Griggs
Kee & Diana Groshong
Marilyn Harris
Kirk Isenhour & Doug Anning
Janet Mackin
Michael McKenzie & Kari Floren
Edward Milbank
Lewis & Susan Miller
Larry & Judy Morris
Gary & Carol Smith
Jan & Gerald Summers
Joseph & Sharon Timmons
Ron & Judy Wood
FEATURED PRODUCER ($1,500-2,499)
Roger & Ronnie Alewel
Doug & Tricia Crews
Bryce & Helen Cripps
Jane C Crow
Joan D’Ambrose & Linda Detring
Dan & Nikki Fahnestock
Jim & Gwen Gresham
Ann Harris
John & Donna Huston
Brad & Brenda Jones
David & Chandra Keuhn
Dick & Cynthia Malon
Jim & Marjorie Marberry
Turf & JoAnn Martin
Katie Shannon
Rick & Barb Sommer
Christy & Ellis Tuttle
Terry & Dave Wollersheim
PRODUCER ($1,000-1,499)
John Ashford & Ivy Whitlach
Chet Breitwieser & Rod Starns
Mike & Janice Burnam
Joan Butcher
Nancy Tucker Cleaveland
Edward Coe
Connie J. Cunningham & William Mehmert
Deborah Daniels
Ted Fivian & Steve Unland
Carla Haack
Nick & Leslie Huston
Sally & Rolly Johnson III
Susie Jones
Michael Kateman
Rosemary Kelly
Bob & Nancy Kellstrom
Wallis & Nancy Landrum
Ron & Dianne Larkin
Rich & Debbie Lawson
Craig McDaniel
Kathy McMurry
Carrie Peecher, D.O.
Paul & Kim Ratcliffe in memory of Ted Fisher
John Rensenhouse
Bill Riggins
Don Richard & Craig Mudge
James & Carol Roller
Don & Jan Sartain
Stacie & Robert Conrad Schroeder
Ernest & Judith Smith
Alice Swanson
Donna Truitt
Dr. & Mrs Alan R. Wessler
Harold & Sharon Williams
We give our special heartfelt thanks to over 400 contributors who support The Lyceum. These generous individuals have shown how much they appreciate the art of live professional theatre and this unique treasure in the heart of Missouri.
DIRECTOR ($500-999)
Gaylyn Alexander
Steve & Jane Bauer
Steven & Elizabeth Bertani
Sherry Bishop in loving memory of Don Bishop
Luann & Rockne Corbin
Myra & Truman Christopher
Sandy Falloon
Art & Rebecca Farris
Bob Fenlon
Lawrence & Paulette Fick
Lucy Fletcher in memory of Marjorie Fletcher
Robert & Linda Gordon
Christopher & Pam Gumper
Vaughn & Betty Hart
Mary & Larry Hawks
Dr. Pete & Karla Hayden
Susan Hazelwood
Carroll Highbarger & Betty Crawford
Percy & Bernadette Huston
Anne Bills & Debbie Jacobs
Jan & Tim Jeffries
Darlene Johnson
Judi & Wayne Keehart
Day & Whitney Kerr
Steve & Mari Ann Keithahn
Frank & Carolyn Kimbel
Betty Kusgen
Steven & Cheryl Leach
Linda Litton
Patrick & Patty Logue
Vincent & Janet Martin
Ed & Vicki McCloud
Dr. Jerry Murrell
Gary D & Jane Myers
Cindy Newton
David & Mary Norbury
The Olshefski Family
Patrick & Lindi Overton
Carlene Petree
Sheila Placke
Joe & Patricia Powell
William & Sandra Rinne
Robertson Finley Foundation
Jim & Patti Sears
James Stilley, Jr.
Sarah & Marion Storm
Donald & Pam Stouffer
Jim & Shari Thomas
David & Marlene Van Horn
Chris & Jordan Walters
Jay & Rose Ward
Larry Webber
Michael & Vickie Whitworth
Gwen Wilder
Ken & Melinda Wilks
Bobby & Genny Wright
Bennie & Meda Young
Robert & Nanette Zeysing
STAR ($250-499)
Charles Alexander
Lynn & Finny Aronson
Jack & Meryl Atterberry
Anne Bills & Deborah Jacobs
Jon & Lou Boucher
Gene & Carol Bramon
Dan & Betty Buchheit
Harold & Mary Jane Buehler
Kathy Cary
Bill & Delores Clark
Steve & Jan Collins
Shelia Cook
Daniel & Debi Derendinger
Jim & Karen Deutsch
Doug & Star Fox
Joe Geist
Carol Gerhard
Jan & Bill Goodson
Bridgette Gruender
Art & Lisa Hains
Gene & Carol Hall
Thelma & Les Heisel
Dale &Jan Hinnah
Wayne & Jan Holden
Lyle & Teresa Horner
Monica Huff
Jim & Barbara Humburg
Sharon Huntze
Inovatia Laboratories
Dallas W Jensen
Ralph & Brenda Jones
Mary Klenklen
Joyce Lake
Kim & Tom Lauer
Kenneth & Tammy Manuel
Shirley Marcum
Janet Meives
Jill Mitchell
Steve & Linda Moles
Phyl Naragon
Stephen & Elaine Olson
James & Dana Page III
David Peters
Greg & Donnis Prather
Don & Ginger Priest
Larry & Clare Quatmann
David & Valerie Rapoff
Steve & Sue Rakel
Patricia Ravenscraft
Michael & Sally Reid
Jon & Carol Rhodes
Kevin & Pam Riggs
Bill & Jolene Schulz
Bruce Satterlee & Mary Dorrance
Randy & Vicki Shannon
Carol Slusher
Donna I. Smith
Dale & Lola Spradley
Tom & Suzie Stalllings
Mary Suits
Paul & Jean Sundet
Steve & Catherine Swope
Dr. Bob & Mrs Jami Theobald
Marge & Montie Tripp
Jerry & Maggie Ubl
Brian White
Christine Zeigler & Timothy Van Huss
Lara Abler
Gary & Jay Analora
Ken & Connie Asbury
Pam Banks
Frank & Yelena Barnhart
Michele Batye
Phil & Martha Baylor
Amy Belfi in honor of Sandy Belfi
Brad Bellamy & Suzanna Hay
Rick Benedetti
Billye Bennett
Toni & George Blackwood
Bonnie Baugh
Mike & Sally Bogie
Brooks Braselman
Clarence & Helen Brockman
Ann Carter
Rosemary & Rob Christensen
Clarkson Farms
Ann & John Cleek
Jean Clifford
John & Della Cochran
Jane Condon
Mike & Mary Beth Conway
Ann Covington
Ron & Carol Cox
The Cox Family
Taylor & Sue Crismon
Dorinda Derow
Ted & Judy Denton
Maria Dickson
David & Carolyn Diehm
Keith & Wendy Durk
Ken & Bev Eichelberger
Robert & Tracy Feller
Shirley Forbes
Shelia A Fox
Reverend Richard Frank
John & Valerie Frerking
Galen & Sandy Gabriel
David & Ellen Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Garst
Mary & Ted Garten
Jim & Betty Gember
Les Gelband
Julia Goodell & David Barnes
Terence Goodman
James & Rachel Graham
John & Jean Griffin
Shirley Guier
Norman Arendt & Elinor Gysbers
Robert & Molly Hacker
Jerry & Sharon Harl
Carol Harper
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hansen III
Hugh & Angela Harvey
Mark & Andrea Hatfield
Cindy Heimsot
William Herder
Thresa Berkley & Rob Hollinger
BreAnn, Madilyn & Sarah Hollinger
Carolyn Houseworth
Sharon Hutchinson
Bob & Linda Hutton
Bob & Peggy Irish
Bill & Nancy Jackson
Eric & Robin Jogun
Steve & Noreen Joice
Grayson Kabler
Kathy Keeton
Connie Kelch
Frank & Carolyn Kimbel
Connie & Douglas Kiburz
Chris & Christy Klenklen
Susan Kyle
Lanny & Patsy Lybarger
Shirley Mach
Diana Malan
Greg & Ginny Mattli
Bev Maupin
Joe & Phyllis May
Tempe & Bruce McGlaughlin
Kathy McGraw
Sandra Meisenheimer
Alan & Brenda Meyer
Carolyn Miller
Karen Miller
Scott Morrow t& Dallas Webb
Alan & Delores Murphy
Donna Oblinger
Minnie L Patrick
Barbara Phillips
Wyatt & Kathy Phillips
Dennis & Barbara Preis
Dan & Kay Price
Larry & Clare Quatmann
Linda Raasch
Jean Rackers
Richard & Carol Raynor
Mae Riefberg
Eddie & Stephanie Reeves
Whit & Mildred Reichert
Leo & Vicky Ringwald
Marilyn Roth
Michelle Rowe & Nick Brown
Dr. Scharon Schattgen
Irwin & Luetta Schneider
Thomas & Carla Schnieders
Tom & Brenda Schupp
Mary Ann Semon
Dave & Marty Smith
Shirley Smith
Annette Smull
Janet Spencer
Bethany Spilhaus
Jacob Stanton
Ruth & Jeff Stegner
Dave & Anne Stockman
Susan Stropes
David & Lorene Sublette
Robert & Sharon Taylor
Susan Tegtmeier
Marilyn Voegele
Marcia Walker
Dara Watson
Tom & Karen Weaver
Mary & Steve Weinstein
Linda West
Robert & Jacqueline Wills
Edward Yashinsky & Patricia Graybill
Alan & Linda Almon
Adam & Holly Andrews
Linda Ashford & Thomas Wilson
Jane & Ken Beal
Sandy & John Beets
Sandy Belfi
Richard & Judy Best
Michael & Carolyn Boland
Jean Buck
Irene Cho
Job Christenson
Russell & Betty Cobb
George Comfort, M.D.
David & Karen Durham
Eric & Lea Evans
Loyd French
Luanna Garrett
Victoria Hague
Dorothy Harrison
Clyde & Barbara Hegelund
Dianna Jensen
Linda Keeney
Tom & Florence Klusmeyer
Gary Littrell & Karen Croy
Carolyn Manson
Andria Mantle
Kay McAdams
Jan & Bill Mees
Terry Meyer
Eric & Barbara Nelson
Mary Lee Noel
Barbara Phillips
Jesse Porter
George & Mike Renicker
Terry & Delores Sadewhite
Kay Sharp
Judith & Ernest Smith
Nancy Sorensen
Gene & Judy Stiek
Greg & Dora Thackery
Dan Walker
Doug & Jennifer Weable
Elizabeth Widel
Susan Zimmerman
The Lyceum Staff
Producing Artistic Director
Quin Gresham |
Managing Director |
Steve Bertani |
Director of Development
Thresa Berkley
Company Manager |
Paula Danner |
Administrative Assistant |
Dawn Plummer |
Patron Services
Ticketing and Group Sales Manager
Tempe McGlaughlin |
Box Office Associate |
Andrea Hatfield
Sara Brennan
Concessionaires |
Carrie Piper |
Rayetta Leimkuehler |
Jerry Leimkuehler |
Facilities and Grounds
Maintenance Manager
Ed Harper |
Housekeeping Services |
Kari Bales |
Lawn Care Services |
James Townsend |
Resident Scenic Designer and Technical Director
Ryan J. Zirngibl |
Assistant Technical Director |
EC Pope |
Master Carpenter |
Elias Koch |
Carpenters |
Seth Holt
Jonathan Rocha |
Scenic Artist |
Chasyn Andrews-Philbin |
Resident Lighting Designer |
Randy B. Winder |
Master Electrician |
Josh Hiser |
Musical Director |
Brett Kristofferson |
Sound Designer |
Jon Robertson |
Audio Engineer |
Greg McGuire |
Resident Costume Designer |
Garth Dunbar |
Costume Shop Assistants |
Javier Cervantes |
Joshua Dougherty |
Christiana Osborne |
Bekah Toone |
Jen Goldstein |
Wardrobe Head |
Emilee Buchheit |
Props Master |
Emily Coffin |
Production Assistant |
Lauren Young |
COVID Compliance Officer |
Emilee Buchheit |
Outside Services
Howe and Associates, P.C., Columbia |
Attorney |
Amanda Miller, Smith-Lewis LLP, Columbia |
Graphic Artist and Designer |
Jim Young, J Young Creative |
Production Logo Designs |
Jason Wyatt, Branson |
Website Design |
Borlandtech, Harrison, AR |
Information Technology |
LammTech, Sedalia |
Marketing and Communications |
Visionworks, Columbia |
Printing |
Green Printers, Marshall |
Landscaping |
Rost Inc., Columbia |
Company Physician |
David Keuhn, M.D. |
Company Orthopedic Physician/Surgeon |
Kelly Ross, D.O. |
Company Chiropractor |
Daniel J. Fahnestock, D.C. |
Special Thanks
Chapel Hill Pilates & Yoga
Kathy Digges
Rebecca Early
John & Trish Fletcher
Dana Frink
Keith Gerchak
Marilyn Gordon
Dave & Nancy Griggs
Virginia P. Hupp
John & Donna Huston
Stan & Kay Kuecker
John Landrum
Rich & Debbie Lawson
Orscheln Industries
Saline County Commission
Saline County Health Department
Katie Shannon
Theatre Communications Group
Village of Arrow Rock
Hank Waters & Vicki Russell