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2021 CCBC Dance Company Spring Concert

Filmed at F. Scott Black Theatre
Production Team
Melina Blomquist
Artistic Director
Tommy Parlon
Dance Coordinator
Terri Raulie
Lighting Designer
Jason Randolph
Technical Director
Lisa L. Boeren
Production Coordinator
Dance Company
Adria Applebee
Rachel Huber
Elena Laird
Giuseppe Little
Stephanie O'Hare
Maegan Read

Melinda Blomquist
Alice Howes
Adrienne Kraus Latanishen
Tommy Parlon
Kristi Schaffner
Carolyn Dorfman - Guest Choreographer



Funded In Part By 

National Endowment for the Arts

Virginia Cretella Mars Foundation

Harold J. Kaplan Foundation

To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit

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Artistic Director's Note

Before the pandemic happened last year, we were planning a guest artist residency in partnership with Towson University and Carolyn Dorfman Dance for Fall of 2020. With uncertainty about when we would be able to come into the studio again, we shifted the residency to Spring 2021. Then, we pivoted to a virtual residency with the company: learning choreography over Zoom and sharing our performance with you online instead of in our theater.

This past semester we have continued to work in our studios wearing masks, dancing in taped-off squares and cleaning after classes and rehearsals. We were able to film site-specific work around campus and in the theater, adding lighting and costuming to the works. While there are times when on film the dancers are not wearing masks, we did follow social distancing protocols and cleaned after every dancer was filmed individually as well as when they were masked and filmed in groups. Once we were finished filming in the theater, each choreographer then began the editing processes for their work. Each piece comes from the unique viewpoint of the choreographer. Some of the works are only possible on the screen. Others are works that while created for the stage, have been captured through the camera lens.

This semester I partnered with the Music program, and we collaborated with the music composition students to create original compositions for several of the works in the concert. I am grateful to the musicians who again shared their artistic talents to allow us to share our work to as broad an audience as possible. All the works in the concert use music that is either an original composition created for the work, or music that is used with permission of the artist. The resulting collaboration between choreographers, dancers, and musicians is a testament to how dance continues to find a way to share the exquisite wonder of movement and meaning, even in difficult times. I hope that you find moments of understanding, perhaps moments of sorrow, but most importantly – moments of peace and joy, as you watch these works.

As CCBC Performing Arts is focused on helping us to “Reimagine” what art is now, we continue to dance and create; we continue to find art in our lives.

Enjoy the performance!
Melinda Blomquist Artistic Director, CCBC Dance Company


Portrait (1996) - Excerpts with special adaptations for this performance 

Balance in life is not a static repose or rest, but rather a shifting equilibrium within acceptable parameters.” Such is the life of a woman.” - Carolyn Dorfman 

Choreography: Carolyn Dorfman
Reconstructed by Katlyn Baskin (formerly Waldo) with Jacqueline Dumas Albert and Caroline Dietz
Dancers: Adria Applebee, Rachel Huber, Elena Laird, Stephanie O’Hare, Maegan Read
Music: piano and vocal performance by Jennifer Giering
Costume Design: Russell S. Aubrey
Original Lighting Design: Susan Summers
Videographer: Melinda Blomquist 
Video Editor: Melinda Blomquist 

Creation and Premiere Cast: Lisa Bonomini, Laurie Hershberger, Dina Macaione, and Robin Shevitz with special guest artist Risa Steinberg 

This work is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Virginia Cretella Mars Foundation, and the Harold J. Kaplan Foundation. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit


Choreography: Tommy Parlon 
Dancers: Adria Applebee, Elena Laird, Giuseppe Little, Stephanie O’Hare, Maegan Read  
Music: Ruins by John McGrath
Videographer: Melinda Blomquist 
Video Editor:  Melinda Blomquist 
Costumes: Tommy Parlon 
Assistant Lighting Designer: NJ Saroff

Tapestry Threads
Choreography: Melinda Blomquist
Dancers: Elena Laird, Giuseppe Little
Music: Raindance by Grace Ayala
Videographer: Melinda Blomquist
Video Editor: Melinda Blomquist
Costumes: Melinda Blomquist
Assistant Lighting Designers: Alexis Tucker, Alex Benzion


The Year 2020: Movement Improvisation
Choreography: Alice Howes
Dancers: Adria Applebee, Elena Laird, Stephanie O’Hare, Maegan Read 
Montgomery College Dancers: Layla Jackson, Vidya Shaker, Rachel Timmerman
Music: Awkward Conversations and Ice Cream Hangover by Jonathan Mogavero
Videographer: Melinda Blomquist and Alice Howes 
Video Editor:  Alice Howes 
Costumes: Alice Howes 
Program Note: Dancers improvise movement reflecting the frustration, agitation, and hopefulness of a year in quarantine.




Interior Designs (2013) - Excerpts with special adaptations for this performance 
Choreography: Carolyn Dorfman
Reconstructed by: Katlyn Baskin with Jacqueline Dumas Albert, Caroline Dietz, Quinton Guthier, Brandon Jones, and Louie Marin 
Dancers from Towson University: Carly Bess, Erica Caruso, Margaret Fiske, Savanna Mitchell, Jessica Mortillaro, Jayda Myers, Timothy Strickler, Chaundy Titus, Markel Williams, Brittany Wright 
Music and Lyrics: Svjetlana Bukvich 
Original Vocals performed by: Kamala Sankaram, Samille Ganges
Additional Voices by: Jacqueline Dumas Albert, Svjetlana Bukvich, Jessica Ingle, Danielle Draizin, Tyner Dumortier, Jade Nichols, Jacqueline Paladino
Costume Design: Anna-Alisa Belous
Original Lighting Design: Kate Ashton 
Video/Projection Design: Katherine Freer and David Tennent 
Videographer: Rebecca Wolf and Paul Shapanus 
Video Editor: Rebecca Wolf 
Costumes: Kendra Shapanus 

Creation and Premiere Cast: Jacqueline Dumas Albert, Katlyn Baskin, Mica Bernas, Alex Biegelson, Caroline Dietz, Tyner Dumortier, Ashleigh Hunter, Brandon Jones, Ae-Soon Kim, and Louie Marin with Guest Artist - Bennyroyce Royon 

This work is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Virginia Cretella Mars Foundation, and the Harold J. Kaplan Foundation. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit


The Depth of Perception  
Choreography: Kristi Schaffner and Dancers  
Dancers: Adria Applebee, Rachel Huber, Elena Laird, Giuseppe Little, Stephanie O’Hare, Maegan Read 
Music Composition: Original composition by Oliver Panday 
Vocalists: David Lustig and Kristi Schaffner  
Videography: Francesco Leandri  
Video Editing: Kristi Schaffner 
Costumes: Kristi Schaffner 
Assistant Lighting Designer: Francesco Leandri


Choreography: Alice Howes  
Dancers: Adria Applebee, Stephanie O’Hare, Maegan Read
Music:  Hungarian Dance #5 by Johannes Brahms; Rondo in E Flat Major, Op. 11 by Johann Nepomuk Hummel 
Videographer: Melinda Blomquist
Video Editor:  Alice Howes 
Costumes: Alice Howes 
Assistant Lighting Designer: Orianna Silves-Montes

[Insert Here] We Come 
Inspired by our anticipation to get out there. 
Choreography: Adrienne Kraus Latanishen  
Dancers: Adria Applebee, Rachel Huber, Elena Laird, Giuseppe Little, Stephanie O’Hare, Maegan Read  
Music: Original composition by Aaron Statham 
Videographer: Adrienne Kraus Latanishen 
Video Editor: Adrienne Kraus Latanishen 
Costumes: Adrienne Kraus Latanishen 

Production Staff

Melinda Blomquist

Artistic Director/Choreographer
Adrienne Kraus Latanishen

Tommy Parlon

Dance Coordinator/Choreographer
Kristi Schaffner

Associate Director/Choreographer
Alice Howes

Carolyn Dorfman

Guest Choreographer/Founding Artistic Director Carolyn Dorfman Dance
Charisse Secrest

Terri Raulie

Lighting Designer
THTR 193 Special Topics: Lighting

Lighting Crew
David Sunderland Martin

Master Electrician
Jason Randolph

Technical Director
Amy Jones

Production Photographer
Lisa L. Boeren

Production Coordinator

Spring 2021 Dance Concert Preview

Collaboration with Carolyn Dorfman Dance & Towson University Dance

Behind the Scenes of the filming of the 2021 Virtual Spring Dance Concert

Special Thanks

Dr. Sandra Kurtinitis
CCBC President
Dr. Joaquin Martinez
Provost & Vice President of Instruction
Dr. William Watson
Dean, School of Arts & Communication
Professor Patti Crossman
Chair, Performing Arts and Humanities
Dr. Rebecca Ocampo 
Arts Pathways Coordinator
Dr. Anne M. Lefter
Director, Performing Arts
Johanna Lawrence
Administrative Support Assistant, Performing Arts
Cathy Kratovil
Communications Assistant, School of Arts & Communication
Brian Comotto | Sound Recording
Sam Garrett | Mentor, Music Composition Students