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The 2022


Northwood High School
presented by
Mr. Harwood's
Theatre 1 & 2 Classes

Brett Harwood

Technical Director
Vincent Sumbry

Run Crew
Period 6 Theatre Class

AMTAD Academy Head
Ryan Sullivan

Academy Coordinator
Holly Jones

Dr. Jonathan Garrick





Please Stop Getting Sand In Your Bandages

At Box Bottom

If You're Going to Answer It, Answer It Right!



Lost in Translation

Ghost in the Lounge

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Meet the Company

Alexander Hardman (At Box Bottom)
Theater was always among Alek’s highest interests, with nearly 6 years of experience. With another small skit under his belt Alexander Hardman hopes to expand their knowledge about the theater world through performing and learning its history.
Aïda Nyabingi (Crew)
Aïda Nyabingi is a junior at Northwood High school and has performed in 5 shows here. This is her first time being crew; a first time for everything!!
Annel Vasquez (Crew)
Annel is a junior at Northwood Highschool. She is part of the Latin Dance Club, and she is thrilled to be able to be here today. Annel performed in the “All Together Now!” show as well. So, she is very excited to be back on stage.
Ashwini Chari-Large (Crew)
Ashwini is a junior at Northwood High School, and this is her first theatre class. She has no previous theatre experience, but she does do classical Indian dance. She has learned a lot and met cool people through this class. Theatre has helped Ashwini be a better dancer and step outside if her comfort zone, and overall has been a great experience.
Candia Melvin (Reunited)
Candia has appeared in The Bestest BedTime Stories (as told by Grandpa) in which she played the title role of Gretel in Hansel and Gretel. She also was cast as one of the Rapping Chorus members in Jack and Jill and the Beanstalk. She appeared in Seussical Jr as the Sour Kangaroo. She was also in Matilda and was Michael and a part of the ensemble. Her most recent production was Les Mis and she was in the ensemble. She would like to thank family and friends for supporting her and all she does.
Celedo Kemngang (Crew)
Celedo is in his first theatre class with Mr. Harwood. He has been in his class for a few quarters in school doing monologues and such. This will be his first production on stage helping out with the performance .
Chinaza Amagwula (Lost in Translation)
Chinaza is really excited to show you what she has been working on in her theatre class. It has been a while since she has performed in front of an audience, but she is really excited. Theatre has always been a passion of hers and it has allowed her to express herself in the best ways possible. It has sometimes been difficult to fully embody a creative spirit but she´s here to show the world.
Chloe Motsebo (Lost in Translation)
Chloe is a Junior at Northwood High School and is thrilled to be a part of the Theatre Showcase, performing in the scene titled Lost in Translation. She has been doing theater since middle school and has been in productions of The Music Man, Twelfth Night, as well as The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee back in May. The scene you’re about to see was written and directed by her and the kids in it. She hopes you can sit back and enjoy!
Eli Schriber (At Box Bottom)
Eli has been a student at Northwood since his freshman year and has loved every minute of it! Eli enjoys theatre and has been in shows such as Did The Butler Do It?, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, All Together Now!, and 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Eli thanks his family for supporting him and his friends at Northwood for being the best!
Evan Buskirk (?/10)
Evan is currently a ninth soon to be tenth grader at Northwood High School. Evan has had many years of experience in theatre, from about four years of Round House theatre camp in their childhood to taking theatre classes in middle and high school. They have been in a few shows when they were younger but none recently, and they are very excited to perform for you and they hope that you enjoy the show!
Grace Willis (Lost in Translation/At Box Bottom)
Grace is a junior at Northwood High School and is excited and grateful to perform in Lost in Translation and At Box Bottom. She’s happy to perform with her classmates and has loved working De’Lesa Adams and Oz Freedman to bring these creations to life.
Isaiah McCall (?/10)
Isaiah started acting in the 4th grade where he randomly auditioned for shrek. Unfortunately he didn't get the role he didn’t do a lot of acting until the 6th grade. He only joined because it seemed like an easy class and his friends were in it. He had a lot of fun in that class but his theater teacher instead he joined the next year. So he continued to act all through middle school and now is in 9th grade theater. He hopes you enjoy his most recent upcoming show “?/10”.
Jackson Hawkins (Please Stop Getting Sand ...)
Jackson is a freshman year high school student who has had numerous experiences with theatre. He’s been in multiple plays, both written by himself and others. It’s been a great passion for him ever since he was little, and he’s very excited to be performing in this showcase.
Janiya Westray (Reunited)
This is Janiya’s first showcase ever. She is happy to show you guys the skills she has learned in the theater class with you. Hope you enjoy. Thank you for coming.
Kekeli Aba (Crew)
Kekeli Aba is a junior at Northwood High School. They are enrolled in a theatre class at Northwood and have been involved in a few middle school plays in the past. They hope to become a screen actor and work alongside stars like Viola Davis and Lupita Nyong'o. They would like to thank their mentors and loved ones.
Leslie Morla Gomez (If You're Going to Answer It ... / Please Stop Getting Sand)
Leslie is thrilled to be a part of this showcase!
Madison Riggs (Ghost in the Lounge)
This is Madison’s first time being on stage here at Northwood! She is super excited to be on the stage instead as opposed to behind it (although she loves tech crew)! She would like to thank her brother for helping her practice lines.
Miles Riggs (Ghost in the Lounge)
Miles is very excited (and nervous) to perform on stage for the first time. He has worked on several shows before, like The 25th Putnam County Spelling Bee and All Together now as part of the props and set team, but he has yet to perform on stage, until now. Enjoy the show. :)
Millie Lach (?/10)
Millie is excited to be on stage for the first time. She has done many shows on the technical side but hasn't been on stage yet. She has done tech for shows like All Together Now! and 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. She would like to say thank you to her friends for enabling her.
Nathaniel Lehman (Lost in Translation/At Box Bottom)
Nathaniel is really excited to be performing in Lost In Translation and At Box Bottom. This is Nathaniel's third year taking a theater class and performing in numerous shows at Northwood. He is excited to continue theater at Northwood next year in as many ways as he can. Nataniel wants to thank Mr. Harwood and the rest of his class for creating a fun and exciting environment.
Nnamdi Edward (Lost in Translation)
Nnamdi is happy to be able to be a part of this production and wishes to be in many more to come. He would like to thank his mom for putting up to his random outbursts of singing and dancing at home and for always supporting him when it came to acting. Thank you for coming and enjoy the showcase!
Parker Clesner (If You're Going to Answer It ...)
Parker is thrilled to be a part of this showcase!
Quin McMenamin (At Box Bottom)
Quin McMenamin has been acting for years. From a young age his passion for acting shone through into multi-medium performances in elementary school with mimery, puppetry and traditional acting. Quin has also spent some time in commercials. Years ago he acted alongside his mother in a political ad for Gabriel Gifford’s. More recently he was in a Better Business Bureau ad for the Southern Arizona AIDs Foundation, which won an award. On stage, he’s been in many plays ranging all kinds of genres, from sci-fi, to westerns, to comedy, and to contemporary. His most recent role was as Vice Principal Doug Panch in the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.
Samragyee Dhakal (Reunited)
This is Samragyee's first show. She is excited to share all the skills she has been learning in this school year. Samragyee and her co-writers have designed the set and costumes for this scene. She hopes that you enjoy the scene.
Sophia Johnson (Ghost in the Lounge)
Sophia is an enthusiastic actress who is very physically emotive. She’s been doing Theater since 7th grade, but her love for theatrics goes back even further. She’s very excited for the performance this year because it will be her 2½ time ever in front of an official audience. Thank you mother for birthing me under Aquarius.
William Kretkowski (Ghost in the Lounge)
William is a junior here at Northwood. He also plays multiple sports for Northwood. He hopes to go to a good college after high school. He is excited to perform in this show and he hopes that everyone enjoys it.