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presented by Fort Atkinson Community Theatre

Music & Lyrics by STEPHEN SONDHEIM

Originally Directed on Broadway by James Lapine
Orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick

Original Broadway production by 
Heidi Landesman
M. Anthony Fisher
Rocco Landesman
Frederic H. Mayerson
Rick Steiner
Jujamcyn Theaters
Originally produced by the Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, CA
Into the Woods

Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.


A Note from the Director

Into the Woods has always had a special place in my heart. I have a very clear memory of watching it in my grandparents' basement as a child, which interestingly, is now my basement. I also remember enjoying it so much that I wrote my own version of the play, which would be considered "fan fiction" these days. So when the directing bug bit me, there was only one clear choice - Into the Woods. I didn't think it was possible, but I fell even more in love with the show as I took the deep dive into the script and music that directing requires. As an adult, and with two children of my own, Into the Woods takes on an additional dimension that I was unable to relate to as a child. Yet overall, it remains a metaphor for the journey of life, which everyone can relate to at any age. I hope you see and feel pieces of your own life interwoven throughout this story, as we go "into the woods" together, where "no one is alone."

Song List

Act One

Prologue, Company

Cinderella at the Grave, Cinderella, Cinderella’s Mother

Hello, Little Girl, Little Red Ridinghood, Wolf

I Guess This Is Goodbye, Jack

Maybe They’re Magic, Baker’s Wife, Baker

Our Little World, Witch, Rapunzel

Baker’s Reprise, Baker

I Know Things Now, Little Red Ridinghood

A Very Nice Prince, Cinderella, Baker’s Wife

First Midnight, Company

Giants in the Sky, Jack

Agony, Cinderella’s Prince, Rapunzel’s Prince

A Very Nice Prince (Reprise), Cinderella, Baker’s Wife

It Takes Two, Baker, Baker’s Wife

Second Midnight, Cinderella, Cinderella’s Prince, Rapunzel’s Prince, Stepmother, Florinda, Lucinda, Granny, Witch

Stay with Me, Witch, Rapunzel

On the Steps of the Palace, Cinderella

Act I Finale, Company

Act Two

Opening, Company

Agony (Reprise), Rapunzel’s Prince, Cinderella’s Prince

Witch’s Lament, Witch

Any Moment, Cinderella’s Prince, Baker’s Wife

Moments in the Woods, Baker’s Wife

Your Fault, Jack, Baker, Little Red Ridinghood, Witch, Cinderella

Last Midnight, Witch

No More, Baker, Mysterious Man

No One Is Alone, Cinderella, Little Red Ridinghood, Baker, Jack

Act 2 Finale, Company





Jillian Arthur

Milky White
Bronwyn Bond

Rosalyn Doebereiner

Snow White
Kyle Doesken

Norman Goeschko

Mysterious Man
Anne Grover

Sam Heimstreet

Gwen Hirtz

Baker's Wife
Claire Johnson

Sleeping Beauty
Sarah Johnson

Kevin Kobler

Cinderella's Prince
Jayne Meske

Jack’s Mother
Katherine Olson

Jake Retasket

Rapunzel’s Prince
Carson Ritcher

Amy Schuldt

Cinderella’s Mother
Sys Skudlarczyk

Amelia Teeter

Little Red Ridinghood
Holly Teeter

Jason Teeter

Luke Wenger


Creative Team

Niina Ajango Konz

Director & Choreographer
Kim M. Stachowiak

Assistant Director
Cathy Daly

Artistic Director
Jason Teeter

Musical Director
Angie Griffith

Kevin Kobler

Kade Gundlach

Lighting Designer
Calvin Ficenec

Lighting Assistant
Mackenzie Cramlet

Sound Engineer
Alex Garrett-Grandt

Sound Assistant
Linda Harned

Matthew Sell

Stage Manager

Thanks & Acknowledgments

Jefferson High School

Jefferson School District

Ryan Clarksen

Lake Mills High School

Rock Valley College Starlight Theater

Birder Players

Trinity Lutheran Church

St. Peter's Episcopal Church

Janet & Michael Ajango

Papa Brunk's Bakery

A-R Editions

Fort Atkinson Farmer’s Market

Fort Atkinson Chamber of Commerce

Fort Atkinson Parks & Recreation

Daily Jefferson County Union

Fort Atkinson Online



Meet the Company

Jillian Arthur (Milky White)
Jillian is so excited to be playing Milky White in "Into the Woods"! She hopes you enjoy the show!
Bronwyn Bond (Cinderella)
Performing as Cinderella in this production of Into The Woods is a dream come true for Bronwyn Bond, as it is her favorite show. This is her third musical with FACT, previously being in "Hello, Dolly!" and "Freaky Friday." As an English major at UW-La Crosse, she loves to be a part of these shows as a way to showcase her inner theater nerd.
Rosalyn Doebereiner (Snow White )
Rosalyn, playing the role of Snow White, is thrilled to be a part of this year's FACT production of "Into The Woods!" She has been a part of productions including "The Little Mermaid" (Andriana/Seagull), "Little Shop of Horrors" (Urchin), "Check Please: Take 2" (Donna), "This is a Test" (Ensemble), "Freaky Friday" (Ensemble), as well as many others. Rosalyn enjoys dancing both on and off the stage. She has taken many classes over the last 7 years including ballet, hip hop, and tap. She would like to thank her friends and family for supporting her passions for theater and performing.
Kyle Doesken (Wolf/Steward)
I was born and raised in Wichita, KS. I started playing trumpet in 5th grade band and ultimately graduated from Bethel College with a BA in music performance. I didn't start singing in vocal ensembles until college, and while I had been in the pit orchestra for "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" and "The Tender Land," I didn't audition for my first role until after graduation. This is my fourth show on stage and my first with FACT. I have been a chorus member in two different productions of "Fiddler on the Roof" back in Kansas, and I played Burt Healy in "Annie" with Stage One, Inc. in Janesville. In my spare time, you can regularly find me diving into a tabletop RPG.
Norman Goeschko (Mysterious Man)
I am a Lake Mills elder law attorney and have been a regular in local theater productions after being coaxed back onto the stage 7 years ago with my daughters, appearing with them in FACT’s productions of "Music Man" and "Annie." Just prior to the pandemic, I was Sgt. Rough in "Gaslight" and the Wise One in Rock River Theatre Guild’s production of "Calico Tiger." Last summer I appeared as Rudolph Reisenweber in "Hello Dolly!" I sang with the Waukesha Choral Union for 31 seasons and am in my 6th season with the a cappella vocal group A Matter of FACT. A bit of advice from the Mysterious Man: Pick destinations in your life pursuits. Without a “where” you are just wandering blind.
Anne Grover (Granny/Giant)
Hi there! Ever since I saw "Into the Woods" on an area stage back in 1992, I have wanted to be a part of it. I directed the junior version of "Into the Woods" for a Fort Atkinson Middle School show. I thoroughly enjoyed the performance of my talented students but the junior version only portrays act one where everyone lives happily ever after. Now, I will be part of the full version where the woods become a little darker and scarier! Lives become more entangled and complicated. I have enjoyed playing the feisty Granny and the angry but heartbroken Giant and hope you enjoy "Into the Woods"!
Sam Heimstreet (Rapunzel )
Hi everyone and welcome to the show! I’m very excited to be playing the role of Rapunzel. This is the first time I’ve performed on stage in almost 10 years and I can’t wait! I’ve previously enjoyed performing roles in shows with Penguin Productions such as "Nunsense" and "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" and have been involved in theater both on stage and behind the scenes for just about as long as I can remember! I’m especially grateful for my time studying voice performance with my teachers Linda Heimstreet and Dr. Laura Lane at Knox College, and for the opportunity to help in the Lake Mills High School’s musicals for over 10 years culminating in a Jerry award for Outstanding Choreography with "Urinetown" in 2019 and Outstanding Musical for Assistant Directing & Choreography for "The Drowsy Chaperone" in 2018. I feel incredibly fortunate to have worked with so many talented musicians, performers, and artists over the years and can’t wait to share what we’ve put together for this show! Hope you all enjoy!
Gwen Hirtz (Baker's Wife)
Gwen Hirtz is thrilled to be playing the role of the Bakers Wife in FACT’s production of "Into the Woods" this summer. Some of Hirtz’ highest theatrical accomplishments include playing Annabel Glick in "Lucky Stiff," Gabriella Montez in "High School Musical the Musical," and many moons ago she played Jack’s Mother and Cinderella’s Mother in "Into the Woods Jr." Aside from theatre, you can find Hirtz out in nature hiking, kayaking, swimming and much more with friends and family. Hirtz would like to thank her mother, Claire, for her life long support in her theatrical endeavors. As well as her fabulous girlfriend, Lindsey, for running lines with her, and her best friend, Silvester, for bringing the slay to her life.
Claire Johnson (Sleeping Beauty)
Claire is super excited to be in this production of "Into The Woods" as Sleeping Beauty. Claire has loved performing in many shows. some of her favorites being, "The Music Man," "Addams Family," and "Singing in the Rain." Claire is also so happy to be sharing the stage with her talented mother Sarah. Claire admires her mom and can’t wait to be in more shows together.
Sarah Johnson (Witch)
Sarah is so excited to be working with this amazing group of people again this summer. She debuted with FACT last summer as Dolly Levi in "Hello, Dolly!" and is grateful that they’ve now given her the opportunity to play two of the best roles ever in musical theater. Plus, it’s been especially fun to share the stage with her talented daughter Claire! Sarah is deeply grateful to Aaron and the kids for putting up with rehearsals and supporting her summer theater habit.
Kevin Kobler (Cinderella's Prince)
Kevin is thrilled to be joining FACT and the amazing cast as we venture through the Woods! Previous productions include "High School Musical," "High School Musical 2," "Grease," "Once Upon A Mattress," "Seussical," "Hairspray," "Legally Blonde," "Rocky Horror Live," and "Les Misérables." Sending love to my family and friends who always encourage me to pursue excellence!
Jayne Meske (Jack’s Mother)
This is the second time playing Jack’s mother and it has been just wonderful once again. Other roles I have been privileged to play is Mrs. Paroo in "The Music Man," Gertie in "Oklahoma," Granny in "27 Postcards" and Mrs. Doodah-Doodah in "Noodles." So very grateful for the opportunities that community theater has given me to let the weirdo in me fly. Most of all, thank you, Jesus for what you do in my life and bringing these other weirdos into it.
Katherine Olson (Florinda)
Kate is thrilled to perform in her first musical with FACT! Favorite previous shows include "Legally Blonde" (Brooke Wyndham) with Shallece Saleen Studios Fine Arts Academy in Muskego, WI and "The Addams Family" (Alice Beineke) at Muskego High School. Kate is pursuing her Versatile Voice BFA at UW-Milwaukee. Love and thanks to mom, dad, Shallece, teachers, family, and friends!
Jake Retasket (Rapunzel’s Prince)
I’m Jake Retasket and I am thrilled to be playing the role of Rapunzel's Prince in "Into the Woods." This musical holds a special place in my heart as my all-time favorite. This is my third time performing "Into the Woods," having previously played Jack in 2006 and 2012. This will be my first time performing with FACT, and I’m honored to work with such a talented group of performers. As a resident of Fort Atkinson, I hope that this production will be the first of many with FACT.
Carson Ritcher (Narrator )
This is Carson’s first show with FACT. One of his favorite musicals is "Into The Woods," to be a part of it is very exciting. This is Carson's fourth musical. He has done "Newsies" (Romeo), "Matilda" (Eric), and currently working in "Beauty and the Beast" (Ensemble). When he’s not working on a show you can find him skateboarding, playing with his little sister (Charlotte), or playing baseball. He would like to dedicate these performances to his late grandfathers Duane Hilgendorf and Doug Noyce.
Amy Schuldt (Cinderella’s Mother)
Amy is excited to play Cinderella’s Mother in her first FACT production, "Into the Woods"! Special thanks to her brave and talented daughters, for inspiring her to spread her musical wings, and Niina for making that goal a reality! Also thanks to the amazing cast and crew, and her husband for being supportive along “the journey.” Enjoy the show!
Sys Skudlarczyk (Lucinda)
Sys Skudlarczyk is thrilled to play Lucinda in "Into The Woods"! They are going into their senior year at Lake Mills High School, and this is their first production through FACT. However, they have been grateful to be in many productions through their school, such as "Annie," "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," and much more.
Amelia Teeter (Little Red Ridinghood)
Amelia has loved performing for her entire life. Whether it was dance, band, or theater, she has always been confident on the stage. She has been involved with FACT and has done theater in school from a young age, allowing the chance to be in many wonderful shows. Some of her favorite roles include, an angel in "Anything Goes," Marian in "The Music Man," and Miss Hannigan in "Annie." Some of her other interests include, spending time with her girlfriend and their pets, barbering, and fishing. Amelia would like to thank her girlfriend Jess for her continuous love, support and help this summer with the show, and her family for encouraging and believing in her. She is thrilled to be joining the stage with both her father and step mother for "Into the Woods." Amelia is excited to make Little Red come to life for you.
Holly Teeter (Stepmother)
I am thrilled to play the role of the Stepmother in "Into the Woods." It is an honor to take to the stage as a part of anything Sondheim, and Niina Ajango Konz, in her directorial debut, has elevated this show to the next level with her clear vision and imagination. My talented husband, Jason, continues to amaze me with his talent and dedication. There are not many people who could be music director and in the cast at the same time. He is my Marty Ginsberg, my rock, and the true North on the compass of my life, simple and plain. I could not have asked for a more amazing cast, and I am humbled by their talent and creativity. My involvement in FACT began in 2016 and has included performing in "All Together Now," "Big Band at the Movies" and playing the role of Twink Futrell in "Christmas Belles." I am looking forward to many more to come. I am so grateful for the Jefferson High School making it possible for FACT to continue for 60 more years, by opening their doors to us. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey "Into the Woods"!
Jason Teeter (Baker)
I am so excited to music direct "Into the Woods" and play the Baker (a bucket list role for me)! I’m also thrilled to share the stage with my lovely wife Holly (Stepmother) and my amazing daughter Amelia (Little Red Ridinghood). I’m so proud of them both! I’ve been involved with FACT since the summer of 2009. I’ve directed or co-directed several shows including last summer’s "Hello, Dolly!" (with Holly), "All Together Now" in 2021, "Big Band at the Movies" in 2018 and "Once Upon A Mattress" in 2017. Favorite previous FACT roles include Horace Vandergelder in "Hello, Dolly!," Scarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz," Johnny Cantone in "The 1940’s Radio Hour," Wilbur in "Charlotte's Web - The Musical" and Mr. Sowerberry and Bill Sykes in "Oliver!". I direct the FACT-affiliated a cappella vocal group A Matter of FACT and serve as FACT’s President. I’d like to close with a heartfelt thank you to our amazing first-time director Niina Ajango Konz for this opportunity. Her vision is inspiring, and I am so impressed with the skill and dedication she is using to bring it to life! I also want to send a special shout out to our awesome cast, production team and crew for bringing Into the Woods to the stage! And to our amazing audience, thank you for your continued support of local community theater!
Luke Wenger (Jack)
Luke is thrilled to be making his Fort Atkinson Community Theatre debut as Jack in his favorite musical "Into the Woods". Luke has also been seen in past productions as Pippin "Pippin", Roger "Musical Comedy Murders of the 1940s", Tommy Boy "Newsies" and Freddie "Mirrors". Luke loves performing and plans on going to Illinois Wesleyan University for Musical Theatre. He hopes you enjoy the show!
Niina Ajango Konz (Director & Choreographer)
I began performing with FACT in 2018's "Big Band at the Movies." Since then, I have been in "Freaky Friday" (Ms. Meyers/ensemble), "All Together Now," and "Hello, Dolly!" (Ernestina Money). I also organized and performed in FACT's first-ever talent show, "Fort Atkinson's Got Talent!", in November and have been a member of the FACT Board of Directors and our a cappella group, A Matter of FACT, since 2019. A million thanks to those who have supported and encouraged me to take on my first 'Giant' directing project, especially the FACT Board of Directors, my parents (Janet and Mike Ajango), and my husband, Jason, who has been my rock through it all! Thank you to the cast and crew for all your blood, sweat, and tears, and for radiating your energy and love into every "moment." You are all a "wish" come true!
Kim M. Stachowiak (Assistant Director)
Kim first joined FACT in 2011 for "Charlotte's Web, The Musical." She has been in several shows since then including, "Fiddler on the Roof," "Music Man," "12 Angry Men" and "Gaslight." She has also been assistant director "Cliffhanger" and "Dracula, the Musical" and directed "Christmas Belles." Her favorite part of the theatre is all the amazing people you meet who share your love for this crazy world.
Cathy Daly (Artistic Director)
I am currently serving on the board at Fort Atkinson Community Theatre and am thrilled to be working on "Into the Woods" with my daughter, Bronwyn. I've previously participated with FACT as Tory in "Freaky Friday" and as Artistic Director for "Hello, Dolly!". I've designed scenic, costume, and props for Lake Mills High School since 2000 and I've directed the spring play at Fort High School since 2012. Favorite onstage roles include: Arlene in "Baby" (Bay Players), Baker's Wife in "Into the Woods" (Madison Theatre Guild), Molly in "Molly Sweeney" (Strollers Theatre.) When I'm not in the scene shop or onstage I enjoy visiting with my family, reading, traveling, building things, and playing bridge.
Jason Teeter (Musical Director)
(See bio above)
Angie Griffith (Costumes)
I am proud to have been working with FACT for the last decade. I costume for FACT, Jefferson Middle School, and Jefferson High School. Some highlights include "Hello, Dolly!", "The Music Man," "Beauty and the Beast Jr.," "Shrek Jr.," and "The Little Mermaid" (Jerry Award for costumes). Thanks to the wonderful cast and crew; I hope I was able to make your star shine a little brighter!
Kevin Kobler (Wigs)
(See bio above)
Kade Gundlach (Lighting Designer)
Kade Gundlach is a Fort Atkinson native living their dream of doing theatre full time in the Twin Cities. They graduated with a BFA in Technical Direction from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in 2018, was President of the Fort Atkinson Community Theatre from 2017 to 2020, and is currently the office manager at Blue Water Theatre Company in Wayzata, MN. Over the past fifteen years, Gundlach has participated in hundreds of events in Midwest. Notable FACT credits include: "Freaky Friday" (Director), "12 Angry Men" (Director), "Annie" (Artistic Director, Set Design), "Music Man" (Lighting Design). Other credits: "Mary Poppins Jr." (Director), "Chicago" (Lighting Design and TOMMY Award Winner), "The Addams Family Musical" (Lighting Design and TOMMY Award Winner), and "Run for Your Wife" (Director).
Calvin Ficenec (Lighting Assistant)
I've been doing theater tech for about a year and a half now. I've worked at the Fort Atkinson High School on stage productions and other events as well as show choir crew, at the Fireside, and occasionally at various other places. Most recently, I did the lighting design for Dance Elite's summer recital. This will be my first time working with FACT through the performances.
Mackenzie Cramlet (Sound Engineer)
Hi! My name is Mackenzie Cramlet and I am the sound engineer for "Into the Woods"! I've been working with FACT since the beginning of "Hello, Dolly!" last year as Stage Manager. Though this is only my second show with FACT, I got to be apart of the community as a kid, with my parents being involved. I've worked on various shows over the past 2 years as Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Sound Engineer, Scenic Designer and Crew Lead. This show is quite the difficult sound wise, but I'm super excited to take on the challenge. I would like to thank my mom and dad for always pushing me and being by my side. I would also like to thank Alex Garrett-Grandt for helping me get through tech week and being ready to help me with anything that I need for the show! Hope you enjoy "Into the Woods"!
Alex Garrett-Grandt (Sound Assistant)
"Into the Woods" is Alex’s fifth production with FACT, and one of their favorite musicals of all time. They are so excited to be able to have the opportunity to work alongside such amazing people. Alex has been in shows both onstage and off. Some shows include "Hello, Dolly!" (ASM), "Elf" (Crew), "The Little Mermaid" (Atina, Ensemble), "Freaky Friday" (Ensemble), "Annie" (Orphan), "Matilda Jr." (Stage Manager), two middle school productions as the lead character, as well as two shows as the costume designer. Enjoy the show, and justify the beans (love you Kenzie). :)
Matthew Sell (Stage Manager)
I am thrilled to be making my stage managerial debut in "Into the Woods"! I am typically seen onstage, such as last summer when I played the charming Barnaby Tucker in "Hello, Dolly!" with FACT. This past spring I finished my freshman year at Oakland University where I am studying musical theater. I’ve been a part of productions with my school including "A Little Night Music" (Gunnar, u/s Count Malcom), "Yo, Vikings" (Gunther, u/s Bothvar), and their 10 Minute Play Festival. I am grateful for the opportunity to work alongside this wonderful cast and crew and hope you enjoy the show as much as I do. Now, be careful of the path you take, and stay away from the beans as you venture "Into the Woods"!


Friends of FACT


Jason & Holly Teeter

Lead Actor

Janet & Michael Ajango
Eve Horton
Kim M. Stachowiak

Supporting Role

Melissa Defebaugh
Linda Harned
Breck & Laurie McHenry
Lynn & Peter Sell
David & Faith Vasquez
Pamela & Benjamin Whitcomb


Cathy Daly
Angela & Dan Griffith
Lewis Harned
Matt & Penelope Kinsman
Jan Konz
Niina & Jason Konz
Tom Roe
Sheila Turek & John Carlberg
Paul & Karen Wydeven


Yuseuf Abdullah
Chris Benson
Jean Brooks
Anne Grover
Sam Heimstreet
Deanna Herald
Mary Beth Klietz
Suzanne McKechnie



Mike and Janet Ajango
Fort Community Credit Union
Fort HealthCare
Paddy Coughlin's Irish Pub


Felton Appliance
Nitardy Funeral Home
Premier Bank
Swingin’ Company B