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Massage Therapy

By Joe Godfrey
Directed by David Zak
Featuring Mary Anne Bowman and Raymond Nicholas
Production Stage Manager Justin Walker
Scenic Designer Jackson Anderson
Costume Designer Elly Burke
Lighting Designer Justin Walker
Intimacy Director Greta Zandstra
Props Designer Lauren Ramos
Massage Consultant Dan Hickey
Assistant Director Geo Case
Assistant to the Director Brian Wiegand
Sound Designer Zach Stinnett
Producer Elayne LeTraunik
MASSAGE THERAPY is performed without intermission.
Open Space Arts. 1411 W Wilson, Chicago 
Opening Night September 16, 2023
OPEN SPACE ARTS, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is dedicated to combating homophobia and antisemitism through the transformative power of creativity and cultural expression. Our mission is to foster inclusivity, promote understanding, and empower marginalized communities by utilizing various artistic mediums to challenge discriminatory beliefs and attitudes.
OSA programs include Arts Judaica and Pride Film Fest.
Support Open Space Arts by donating here.

Open Space Arts is a member of the League of Chicago Theaters and the Chicago Alliance of Film Festivals.
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Who's Who


Mary Anne Bowman

Jean Frechette
Raymond Nicholas

Michael Kelly

Creative Team

David Zak

Joe Godfrey

Elayne LeTraunik

Managing Director
Justin Walker

Stage Manager/ Lighting Designer
Jackson Anderson

Scenic Designer
Elly Burke

Costume Designer
Zach Stinnett

Sound Designer
Lauren Ramos

Props Designer
Greta Zandstra

Intimacy Director
Brian Wiegand

Assistant to the Director
Geo Case

Assistant Director
Daniel Hickey

Massage Therapy Consultant
John Olson

Public Relations

Meet the Company

Mary Anne Bowman (Jean Frechette)
Mary Anne Bowman has been an actor in Chicago since 1991, appearing with a number of theaters, including The Gift, City Lit, Sideshow, Buffalo Theatre Ensemble, Prop Thtr and Babes with Blades. She was last seen onstage in 2017 with Piccolo Theatre, in their production of The Memory of Water. She feels immensely blessed to have the opportunity to collaborate with David and Ray on Joe’s exquisite play and gives unending thanks to the man she gave her heart to almost 38 years ago -- Michael John Hagedorn, the polestar and center of all things. She dedicates this performance to her mom, Anne Therese McIntyre.
Raymond Nicholas (Michael Kelly)
Raymond Nicholas is happy to make his Chicago debut with MASSAGE THERAPY. Born and raised in North Canton, Ohio, Raymond developed a deep fascination for the performing arts at an early age. Whether it was watching films or attending live theater his enthusiasm for storytelling encouraged him to pursue acting as a way to connect with others and evoke emotions through performance. He has studied at Second City, Chicago Actors Studio, and Remy Bumpo Theater. Before completing his education Raymond spent several years overseas in the Army. When not acting, he is a Senior Sourcing Manager for a multinational corporation.
David Zak (Director)
David Zak is the Director of Pride Film Fest, a program of Open Space Arts. His award-winning works over 40 years as a theater director ranged from the musical ANIMAL FARM to JERRY SPRINGER THE OPERA to THE CHRISTMAS SCHOONER. He recently directed THE KRAMER PROJECT at Center on Halstsed, and THE CHRISTMAS SCHOONER for Beverly Arts Center. He was awarded six Joseph Jefferson Awards for his work as a writer and director. He has been elected to the City of Chicago's Gay and Lesbian Hall of fame. He produced Dan Pal's award-winning short film Counting for Pride Films and Plays.
Joe Godfrey (Author)
Joe Godfrey (Playwright, MASSAGE THERAPY) is a New York City and Connecticut-based writer. His full-length plays that have been produced around the United States include CLAPTRAPP, IN GOOD FAITH (which starred Tony-winner George Grizzard), MASSAGE THERAPY (named runner-up in the Eric Bentley New Play Competition), BED & BREAKFAST, the holiday play A QUEER CAROL COMMUNICATIONS, THE CALLBACK, CHILD SUPPORT, and FLIGHT. His one-acts, SWAN SONG, TAKE TWO, BEEP, RABBIT EARS, and WILD SPOTS, among others, have been featured in festivals around the country.
Elayne LeTraunik (Managing Director)
Elayne LeTraunik is a native Chicagoan and has been involved in the Chicago theatre scene since the 1970s. A graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago with honors in History and Theatre, she continued her acting studies at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London, England. Elayne has worked extensively both as an actress and a producer and starred in the Chicago premieres of “Nuts” and “Extremities.” She also appeared in “Beyond Therapy” which featured Skipp Sudduth and Carmen Roman. She currently works extensively in commercials and independent productions. As a producer, she oversaw a number of award-winning and critically acclaimed productions including the Chicago premiere of “A Dybbuk” and a revival of “Class Enemy.” Elayne was the auditions columnist for “Performink” newspaper for 15 years and was the founder and Artistic Director of Red Hen Productions and Chicago Jewish Theatre. Elayne was also a prolific writer and was a weekly columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times as well as a contributor to Plays and Players Magazine in London. Elayne currently works as a freelance grant writer and PR person for a number of small theater and arts companies in Chicago. More information about her can be found at She was the Associate Artistic Director of Genesis Theatrical Productions but now acts as a consultant, script reader, and grants writer and has taken courses in grant writing from the Foundation Center and from the Fundraising Authority. She is also in the process of developing Open Space Arts, a new performing arts company highlighting the issues facing the Gay community and the Jewish community. She is a member of Actors' Equity. After a sojourn in Texas, she returned to Chicago where she continues to pursue her other passion- acting in films and videos. She is represented exclusively by Big Mouth Talent.
Justin Walker (Stage Manager/ Lighting Designer)
Justin is a Texas native who has worked in the theater both on and off stage for 16 years. He graduated from Scottsdale Community College’s award winning dance program in 2018 with an Associate of Applied Sciences in Dance and Dance Technology where he honed his creative and technical skills. Since then he has both performed and Choreographed for productions at Desert Stages Theatre in Scottsdale, AZ, stage managed student productions at Scottsdale Community College, and joined Ignite Collaborative as a dancer and choreographer. He is excited to make his Chicago theater debut and is grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the magic of live performance, again.
Jackson Anderson (Scenic Designer)
Jackson Anderson is a double major in scenic design and musical theater at Columbia College Chicago. He is excited to work on this project with Open Space Arts and is grateful to them for the opportunity.
Elly Burke (Costume Designer)
Elly Burke is an up and coming costume and scenic designer currently earning her degree in Theatre Design and Technology at Columbia College Chicago. Some of her recent design work includes Dance Nation (March 2023), The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek (December 2022), and Revolt, She Said, Revolt Again (November 2022). Outside of her production work at Columbia, Elly has worked in children’s theatre as both a costumer and design mentor, and had the amazing opportunity to intern with Lyric Opera of Chicago’s technical department during their 2022-2023 season.
Zach Stinnett (Sound Designer)
Zach is the former Technical Director of MCL Chicago holds his MA in Sound Arts from Northwestern University. He is a Chicago voice actor and sound designer for theatre and film.
Lauren Ramos (Props Designer )
Lauren is a queer theatre maker, artist, educator and full time silly goose. Mostly a performer, she’s recently found joy as a designer after designing the set and props for her school’s production of SpongeBob the Musical! She is hoping to continue to scratch that designer itch, and is grateful to the folks at Open Space for her welcoming with open arms.
Greta Zandstra (Intimacy Director)
Greta Zandstra (Intimacy Director) is a Chicago-based actor, director, and intimacy professional who has had the joy of working at many theatres across the country, including Shakespeare in the Woods (Vermont), Children's Theatre of Charlotte (North Carolina), East Line Theatre (New York), Maples Repertory Theatre (Missouri), and Cornwell's Dinner Theatre (Michigan). She is honored to be collaborating on this touching and important work with this wonderful company.
Brian Wiegand (Assistant to the Director)
Brian Wiegand (Assistant to the Director) Regional: Rich Soil at Face-Off Theatre, Beggars & Bums at HIS Productions. Educational: Eurydice, Fortress, and the Little Prince at Western Michigan University
Geo Case (Assistant Director)
Geo is thrilled to be taking on the role of Assistant Director in his first Chicago Theatre Production. Along with a passion for storytelling and a deep appreciation for the art of theatre, his work as a licensed massage therapist and Palliative and Hospice Chaplain brings a unique blend of creativity and precision to the rehearsal room. As a long time theatre fan and in a recent move to Chicago, he has immersed himself into classes and community in playwriting, acting and theatre production making his long time dream of working in the arts a reality. His first 10 minute play “Ouija” recently debuted at Green Shirt Studio’s 10 Minute Play Festival. He is grateful for the team at Open Space Arts for giving him the opportunity to offer a piece of himself with this amazing cast.
Daniel Hickey (Massage Therapy Consultant)
Originally from Dayton, Ohio, Daniel holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Arts/Communication from Eastern Michigan U., his alma mater of thirty-two years. Since, he has toured nationally with Theatre IV/ArtReach (‘96-‘00), been cast in various plays and musicals in Chicago (‘00-‘10), acquired certifications in Massage Therapy (‘05) and Wine (‘15), plus has written a book inspired by many who worked in some of Chicago’s oldest restaurants. Currently, he is Head Sommelier for a beloved Chicago restaurant. Change is good!
John Olson (Public Relations)
John Olson (Press Representative) John Olson provides marketing and public relations services to a variety of theaters and arts organizations in the Chicago area. He followed a career as an account manager and media planner in Chicago and Milwaukee advertising agencies by moving into arts marketing and publicity in 2010. He worked at ComedySportz Chicago as Marketing Director and Raven Theatre as Director of Marketing and Press before founding John Olson Communications in 2017. Additionally. John has served as Associate Editor for The Sondheim Review and Chicago reviewer for


Carla Gordon

Mary Beidler Gearen

Michael Horvich

Michael Hagedron and Mary Anne Bowman

Mary Starn

John Myers

Tom Chiola

Michael Tru,mbold

Don Cortelyou

Dan Pal

Patrizia Acerra

Robert Jordan Bailey

Rick Kinnebrew

Owen Keenan

Marita Geraghty

Mark Morettini

TJ Miller

Lois Elfman

Madeline Franklin

Kevin Wood

Jeff Still

Benjamin V. Marshall

Jeanne Williams

Micelle Foland

Geri Lynn Martin

Kerstin Broockmann

David Reithoffer



Illinois Arts Alliance

Mark your calendar for upcoming OSA events:

The Last Jew

The Last Jew is about Audrey who is, after mass annihilation, the last Jewish person alive on earth. She has been sought out and found because the Tribunal has come to question if they were wise to eliminate all Jews. They and other citizens now wonder if there are special skills that Jewish people have that they will miss if all Jews are murdered. They are delighted that Audrey is of childbearing age. They hold a trial to determine if she should procreate, create more Jewish people, or be killed.
Purchase $5 tickets for the reading, or pay what you can at the door. OSA Member tickets are free.


Sam Goodstein prosecuted Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for treason, in the trial of the century. Their conviction led Sam and his wife Judith to success, notoriety, and a world that had been previously closed to them. But when troubling questions arise about the case, both Sam and Judith must decide how much they're willing to sacrifice for that success, and how much they can compromise and still stay who they are. ROSENBERG examines power, gender, and political courage in Washington, DC -- and what has changed -- or hasn't changed -- since 1953.
There are 9 performances only, and you can purchase tickets here.

LOVE FOR THOSE WHO FALL by Genevieve Sipperley, a staged reading directed by Melody DeRogitis
This is the winner of OSA's first Queer Screenplay Contest! When 40-year-old well-established art critique Amanda falls for Ryan who is a beautiful early 20’s up-and-coming artist, Amanda must navigate her personal insecurities and inabilities to function in a relationship in order to keep from losing the woman of her dreams.
Purchase $5 tickets for the reading, or pay what you can at the door. OSA Member tickets are free.

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