15 Reasons Not To Be in a Play |
A Short Comedy By | ||
Directed By | ||
Starring | ||
Karen Dotan Elizabeth Dusek |
Dominic Land Krishanu Nigam |
Ashlynn Salzwedel Ashley Sanft |
Troupe 6074 would like to extend heartfelt thanks to.. |
Mr. Zach Borquez Mrs. Loretta Brown Mrs. Michelle DiCamillo Mr. Jason Meskis Mr. Richard Ortega & the OPHS Custodial Staff Edward Park, Mary Salzman & Jordan Schneider
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. |
(www.playscripts.com) |
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Hello everyone!
Welcome to our production of 15 Reasons Not to Be in a Play.
This was our first in-person production that we have been able to do in over a year, and we are excited to share it with you!
Although the concept of a 24 hour play is to come to a show with no preparation and perform the next day, we were unable to do that this year. In essence, our 24 hours have become 96.
This year, for the first time, our costumes have become weather-dependent, our lighting is the sun, and our sound system is largely our actors speaking very loudly. It also just so happened that our rehearsal dates ended up being some of the coldest days in April. Our actors and crew members have worked tirelessly on this show in the last few days, as well as our adult team who have been instrumental in the process.
I have been a part of the drama department since Fall, 2017. It’s hard to believe that this will be my last show at OPHS, but I know that the class of 2021 will leave drama in good hands. It’s ironic that the last play we do is about why people shouldn’t do plays, but we couldn’t be happier to put this show on for you all
We hope you enjoy this 25th/97th hour of our production!
Ethan Grinberg (Co-Director)
Hi guys!
This is my second 24 hour play production and I’m so excited to be directing! It’s so nice to finally be back at school to put on this play in person. Rehearsing with the crew and cast in such a short amount of time has been super hectic but so eventful.
Fitting all of rehearsal as well as set and costume changes have definitely been a challenge. However, that can’t stop these Thespians from putting on an amazing play for you all!
I joined the drama department during the fall of my sophomore year; my first production being The Dining Room. It’s crazy to think that I started in running crew, to prop assistant, to prop master, to finally directing - a bittersweet way to end senior year if i must say. Ethan and I are so proud of this play and we are very happy to perform it for you all! We hope you all enjoy yourselves.
Maya Melancon (Co-Director)
Who's Who
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You continue to amaze and inspire us with you talent, creativity and optimism in spite of this most challenging year. Congratulations on your live theatre comeback!! Break a leg!! Your proud troupe directors, Ellyn & Mr. B

Break a leg Em! Congrats to the cast and crew for the comeback show of the year! Love, The Salzman Family

Reason 16: I don't want to "break a leg." Love, Mom & Dad

We can’t think of one reason you will not be amazing in this play!” Love, Mom, Dad and Spencer