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Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them
A play by A. Rey Pamatmat
A Studio Showcase directed by Mijiang “M-Jay” He
Advised by David Bisaha
8 p.m. Nov. 17, 18, 19
2 p.m. Nov. 20
Performing in Gruber Theater (Studio B)
Any video and/or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.
Amaini Varney
Abner Leung
Andrew Puma
Owen Carmody
Michael Esquivel
Linda Chen
Alyssa Lam
Creative Team
M-Jay He
Steven Christopher McKnight
Stage Manager
Yao Bian
Props Artisan
Nick Savino
Lighting Designer
Nathan Wheatley
Lighting Advisor
Izzy Hale
Lighting Operator
Brianna Crowther
Poster Designer
Xiaoning Wang
Photo and Video
David Bisaha
Advisor to Director and Stage Management
Meet the Company
Amaini Varney
Amaini is a freshman actor, majoring in theater and minoring in photography. Her interest in the arts has always been strong, and she has found it to be a comforting and enjoyable habit that has since grown into a passion. She is one of the ensemble players in "Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them" a role that is different for her because she is used to performing in one man's acts or acting in general. Amaini's love for the arts grew even more as she participated in school productions such as "Annie" and "Rent" and even had the chance to perform her poetry at events for black history month and fundraisers. Amaini hopes to start working toward a second degree in the field of criminal justice after earning her bachelor's in the arts.
Abner Leung
Abner Leung is an undergraduate senior studying Theatre with a concentration in Acting/Directing at Binghamton University. She has been involved and performed in several shows in Hinman Production Company such as run crew for If/Then, directed, written, and acted in BNL, as well as acting in Clue: On Stage. She also has credits in other projects like The Bundy Project, She Kills Monsters, and now Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them. Thank you so much for coming to see the show and now enjoy these college students playing some silly little kids.
Andrew Puma
Andrew Puma is a freshman at Binghamton and he is interested in Biology. He has been a part of many productions throughout high school including musicals, small plays, and one-acts. He has also been a chief in the stage crew at his highschool. He is very excited to perform as Benji in Edith and hopes that everyone enjoys it!
Owen Carmody
Owen Carmody is a senior at Binghamton University with many interests. Between completing a
Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and a Bachelor’s of Art in Russian Studies, he has found time
to explore his interest in theater. This year he decided to learn more about the theatrical arts and committed to Edith as his first major show. He hopes to use the wonderful experience he has gained working with Edith’s director, Mijiang He, and the rest of the play’s cast and crew as a foundation on which to cement a powerful new hobby in theater.
Owen is from a small town called Carmel, NY, located an hour’s drive north from New York City. He loves animals and draws in his free time. He also likes learning about foreign culture and traveling. His favorite animal is the horse. You can find some examples of his artwork on
Instagram @owencarmody.
Michael Esquivel
Though Michael has enjoyed to his time on the Saxophone in the orchestra pit, he has now taken a step towards acting in the theatre in his debut performance of Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them.
Linda Chen
Linda Chen is a junior, transfer student from Wells College, majoring in theatre acting and directing. After nine years of playing the violin, her involvement in theatre began in her senior year at Fayetteville Manlius High School. In 2019, she participated as a costume assistant backstage helping out her fellow high school performers in The Overcoat with their costume changes. In March 2020, she played an ensemble role in her high school musical production, Les Miserable. In the fall of her sophomore year at Wells College, she worked as a costume assistant in a dance production. In the spring of her sophomore year at Binghamton University, Linda participated in She Kills Monsters as a props assistant where she prepared and transported scenery and props on and offstage for the play. Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them is Linda’s first production at Binghamton University as a cast member and understudy. She enjoyed learning and experiencing the vast potential skills that M-Jay taught and learned from everyone, from table work to warm-ups to staging and push-ups, well maybe not exactly push-ups. Anyways, look out because Edith isn’t kidding; just wait and see.
Alyssa Lam
Alyssa Lam is a freshman at Binghamton University making her theater debut as Edith in this play. While new to the stage, Alyssa is a competitive gymnast of eight years and has always loved the performing arts. She often spends her summers creating short films with her friends, and is excited to now perform in a collegiate production. Majoring in biology and creative writing, she hopes to use her love of storytelling to eventually develop her own novels and screenplays in the future.
M-Jay He
M-Jay He - Director
Mijiang He (M-Jay) is a Chinese actor, director, choreographer and teacher of musical theater. An accomplished triple-threat performer, M-Jay joined the Chinese national production of Cats in 2012 and 2013. While continuing to perform, M-Jay also began to add professional directing and choreography credits to his resume. As an assistant choreographer, He joined Neverland: Peter Pan with Broadway Asia and China Broadway Entertainment, as well as productions of Murder Ballad and Fosse. M-Jay created the original Chinese translation of 42nd Street which premiered at the Beijing Dance Academy, China’s premier music theatre training program. M-Jay was a visiting professor and director at the Beijing Dance Academy, where he taught jazz dance, music theatre history, and music theatre techniques. He also developed the music theatre dance curriculum for the music theatre program at the Communication University of China. At Binghamton University, M-Jay worked as an assistant to the director Elizabeth Mozer in Triptych: An Experience in Three Acts in 2021, as well as directed the IntheWork production The Informer, and as a dancer/singer in Sunset Mirage in 2022.
Mijiang He received a master’s degree in Dance Studies from Beijing Dance Academy, a master’s degree in Music from Carthage College, and his bachelor’s degree in Musicology from Hunan Normal University.
Steven Christopher McKnight
Stage Manager
Steven Christopher McKnight is a playwright, essayist, and theatermaker from Scranton, Pennsylvania. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Studies and Creative Writing from Susquehanna University in 2020. Steven spent time working at Goodwill, Books-a-Million, and the Scranton Public Library, but also has taught English in Slovakia and Ukraine. His goal in life is to move to Prague where he will live by himself in a small apartment above an antique bookshop. There he will live as a Kafkaesque figure and write terrifying niche drama & fiction that gains fringe popularity among academics and critics. He will then be found mysteriously murdered in this small apartment sometime in his mid-30s, with clues to his murder being strategically placed in the stories he’s written. Steven enjoys sitcoms.
Yao Bian
Props Artisan
Yao. Theater person. From China. Getting more and more used to being like an American. Curious about all sorts of stuff. Fond of people and fond of sharing baked goods. Three effective ways to permanently get rid of my overpowering presence: 1. Pretending to be Okay when being offended (by me) 2. Attempting to exert power over (my) dietary choices 3. Receiving
messages (from me) without reply.
Nick Savino
Lighting Designer
Nathan Wheatley
Lighting Advisor
Izzy Hale
Lighting Operator
Brianna Crowther
Poster Designer
Xiaoning Wang
Photo and Video
David Bisaha
Advisor to Director and Stage Management
Special thanks:
Theresa Price
Kari Bayait
Olivia O'Brien
Caleb Dransfield
Laura Hensley
Costume Shop
Scene Shop