BWW Stage Mag Backstage - Mustang Performing Arts Center Stage Mag


presented by
Mustang Performing Arts Center
Written by
Shirley McNichols
Directed by
Kellie Olson
November 8 at 7pm
November 9 at 2pm
November 10 at 2pm
Published by special arrangement with Eldridge Publishing


What do you get when you have a group of students with an abundant amount of imagination and determination?  Well, you get results!  The Arts—music, drama, art—have always been a controversial topic in schools as with budget cuts and time restraints, most people in today’s society believe that they are unessential and therefore, should be cut first when a financial crisis occurs.  No one cares if the students consider these classes to be their favorites or that they are learning life lessons and how to channel their energy and creativity.  This is the premise of this play.

I felt that it would be fun to do this play but not for the reasons listed above.  Since doing 50+ plays over the last 23 years, I thought that it would be interesting and different to show the audience the types of things that go on "backstage and behind the scenes" as opposed to the actual play that occurs "onstage". 

In addition, there has always been a competition of sorts between the arts and athletics, as that is an age old comparison as to which is more important to the student development. My answer? They are both EQUALLY important and should be treated as equal, essential activities for student envolvement. While one child might excel on the sports field/arena, another student may excel in the arts and isn't our job to foster ALL of our students' talents? 

This play isn't all about the politics of which is more important. It involves a lot of chaos...the same amount of antics I see backstage every time we do a show. Sit back and be gets crazy but for us theatre teachers, it's our normal, organized chaos! (Yes, you can feel sorry for me now....LOL)  

Seriously, to the cast—you guys are such a talented group of young actors.  Keep it up and don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.  As long as your heart is determined, you can do ANYTHING! Most of all, remember my biggest advice: Say your words loud and don't fall off the stage! 


Kellie Olson, Director


Meet the Company


Laura Armbruister
DANI RODRIGUEZ - Laura Armbruister 14-year-old Dani Rodriguez has one word to describe this year: ecstatic. After taking a risk and signing up for the Fall Show last year and getting cast, she was quickly enveloped into the SSMS theater family, and she couldn’t be more thankful for the experiences she’s had so far. While hanging out with last year’s 8th graders, she got to hear about all the different opportunities that come with being an 8th grader, and she spent all summer looking forward to being able to act every day in Honors Theater. This will be her fourth show at Spring Station. Her past roles include Queen of Hearts in “Once Upon a Pandora’s Box,” Ms. Kampros in “Suddenly Someone,” and Beatrice in “Empowered.” Dani would like to thank her friends from last year’s Honors Theater program, her “big siblings” who inspire her to do the best she can. She would also like to thank Ms. Olson for putting in numerous hours to make sure this show is the best it can be. Without her, Dani wouldn’t have been cast in the shows that sparked her love of theater. She would also like to thank her friends for always being there for her. She’d like to thank her parents for helping her navigate a busy schedule and her sister, Charlotte, for making her laugh and gladly running lines with her. And lastly, she would like to thank you, for coming to this show, and she would like to let you know, in the words of Audrey Hepburn, that “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!’”


Steve Clarkson
MICHAEL FINGER - Steve Clarkson Michael, an 8th grader, is thrilled to play Mr. Clarkson in his very first show. He is on the Media team, as well as Band, and is looking forward to being the male lead in this show. Michael first heard about the show from a friend, asking him to try out for it. He appreciated the offer, auditioned, and was cast in his first role. His goal is to be a professional actor and role model, hoping to grow as an actor after this fantastic experience. To quote American actor Tobin Bell, "Those who don't appreciate life, do not deserve it." Michael tries to use this "advice" in day-to-day life, as well as in his acting. He would like to thank his parents and grandparents, always believing in him in whatever he does, his friend Rhett, for convincing him to audition, and his other friends, for putting up with him daily, and always supporting him. Michael thanks you for watching the Fall Show, and he hopes you enjoy!


KATIE GRACE LOCKHART - Molly Katie Grace has been in two shows, including her debuting role as Diana Hopkins in "Suddenly Someone" and the honors production of "Empowered: How One Girl Scout Nearly Destroyed the Worlds Economy" as Makenzie. Katie Grace is thrilled to be a part of "Backstage" and loved all of the fun and friends she has made from being a part of the Theater department. Her freshmen friends (who we all miss) had set the stage for her to love all of theater. She would love to thank her mom for being the best hairstylist and her dad and little brother for helping her run lines. Through discovering her love of theater, she sometimes forgets her other hobbies such as drawing and hanging out with her besties, Theater is the best medicine to her. As Augusto Boal once said “ We must all do theater to find out who we are, and discover who we could be.”


TEGAN SMITH - Annie Tegan has loved rehearsing, performing, and learning while working on the show “Backstage”. She has the honor of playing the part of Annie and has enjoyed every bit of it. She would like to thank her parents and sister for always supporting her and helping her grow (not to mention making the time commitment known as “helping me with my lines”), her friends for encouraging her, her grandparents for always making time for her, and Ms. Olson for helping her grow as an actress. She can’t wait to show you her hard work. Enjoy the show!


BLAKE OWEN - Dave Blake is a 13 year old, 7th grader who is stoked to be playing the role of Dave in the Fall play, Backstage. He has always had a love for theatre, and has been in several productions, including school plays, musicals, and more. Blake has been counting down the days until opening night and can't wait to be on stage in front of an audience!


Pimberton “Mouse” Brimwell
ALEX MURPHY - Pimberton “Mouse” Brimwell Alex is in 7th grade and this is Alex's second show at SSMS. However, he is no stranger to the stage. Since 2017, he has been preforming with local theatre companies and from there, his passion for musical theatre grew. Alex approaches this role like he does with his school work: he gives it everything he's got so that he can come out on top. When he is not rehearsing or going to school, Alex enjoys playing games with his friends and siblings, playing chess with his dad, and studying. Alex would like to thank his mom and dad for always being there for him.


JACKSON EDWARDS - Sam Jack is 13 years old and likes gaming and cats. His dream job is to be a singer as he enjoys acting and singing.


ADDISON PERKINS - Kara Addison is a goofy person, and full of excitement to be in this play! Addison has been in love with theater since she was a little girl. Addison is so happy to be playing the role of Kara. She has always wanted to be a part of such a huge theater family. She is so ready to take the stage in middle school and maybe soon enough, on Broadway!


EVAN HUFFMAN - Jeff Evan has acted in one play called "Empowered" and taken theatre class for 3 years. He is excited about doing this play, even though he recently broke his collar bone in two places but...the show must go on...right? He is currently in 8th grade Honors Theatre. He is in the SSMS band and is planning on trying out for the SSMS basketball team. In his free time, he plays basketball and rides his bike down to Main Street. His plan in life is to get an economics degree and become an entrepreneur.


KALAYA TAYLOR - Susie Kalaya is a thirteen year old girl who is in 8th grade. Kalaya loves theater and she has been in three plays exluding this one and enjoys Ms. Olson's honors theater class. Kalaya wants to thank her aunt and her uncle for supporting her through this process. Kalaya is greatful for the oprotunity to be in MPAC theater.


OLIVIA MONCAYO - Heidi Olivia is SOO happy to be participating in backstage. Backstage will be Olivia's 4th production with SSMS. She participated in Changing Minds as ensemble, Once upon a Pandora's Box as a child, and Suddenly Someone as Announcement Girl. Olivia loves to play soccer, lacrosse, clarinet, and do jiu-jitsu. She would love to give a HUGE thanks to her parents and brothers for helping along the way. She would also like to give a huge thanks to Ms. Olson for putting up with her in rehersals. She would also like to thank all her theater friends... you guys know who you are.


Eugenia Brimwell
AINSLEY HALEY - Eugenia Brimwell Ainsley is so excited to play the role of the crazy, Mrs. Brimwell! She is so grateful to be a part of this play and can't wait to perform for everyone. She would like to thank her parents for helping her rehearse her lines, her Mimi for encouraging her to pursue theater, Ms. Olson for being an amazing theater teacher, and everyone attending the play!


ASHLEY LEBECK - Wendy Ashley plays the role of Wendy in Spring Station Theater’s production of Backstage. This is her first play she is performing in at Spring Station, and she is so excited. She greatly appreciates her friends and family's support and Ms. Olson's dedication to the theater program, making sure that Ashley and her fellow performers can be the best they can be.


VESPER MILLER - Francis Vesper is very excited to be playing the part of Francis in the SSMS fall play, Backstage. This is her first play at Spring Station, and she wants to do her very best and be the best that she can be. She is so thankful for her family's love and support and for Ms. Olson's dedication to this program so it will be fun for both the audience and all the cast and crew.


BRADEN MACAULAY - George Braden wanted to do this play because he likes acting and it wasn't a musical so he didn't have to sing or dance like last Spring. It was fun and also annoying because during rehearsal, half the people his character had conversations with didn't know their lines but they have finally gotten it together. Braden hopes you have as much fun watching the show as he had acting in it.


INDIANA BUCK - Patty Indiana is a 13 year old girl who was so excited when she was chosen for the role of Patty! She has done one other play, last year, called, "Suddenly Someone" and realized her love of acting. Last year, she only got the role of ensemble, but is very excited this year to be an actual character! She loves singing, baking, and reading. She is thrilled for the opportunity to be in this year's fall play with her friends!


MIRIAM KIMBALL - Christy Miriam has been involved in theater since she was in second grade. She has participated in theater camps, classes, and plays. Most recently, she was a crew member for the SSMS Spring musical, "Suddenly Someone". Outside of theater, she enjoys drawing, listening to music, and going on walks.


ALICE PETERSON - Ally Alice is so very excited to be in the play. Some of Alice's favorite things include sewing, and dancing. She hopes you enjoy the play as much as she has enjoyed being cast in it.

Julianna Lenhart

Louann Seago
Julianna Lenhart - Louann Seago Julianna loves theater. She is very excited to perform in this play! She performed last year in the musical and really enjoyed it. She hopes you all enjoy the show!


ZOEY CAMPBELL - Jodie Zoey is a 13-year-old girl who has loved dancing and singing since she could walk. That is why when she heard about theater, she knew she was hooked. Other than theatre, Zoey's favorite hobbies are shopping, hanging out with her friends and family, and color guard. She would like to thank Ms. Olson, who gave her the role of Jodie, and her family for always being so supportive of her theatre career.


VERA McINTOSH - Marty Vera loves theater and is really happy to have gotten a part in this play. She's done many shows in the past and so far, really likes this one and is excited to show it to everyone. She's also really excited to be a part of it and help contribute.


Principal Charlene Graves
LILY KIRKPATRICK - Principal Charlene Graves Meet Lily, the happy, competitive person! Lily is in 8th grade and she loves doing theater. Lily was in 7th grade when she did her first fall show and she was Cruella De Vil. Lily loves the restaurant "Jack In The Box" (or how she says it, JaCk In ThE bOx!) and she was very sad and depressed that they took it away. Lily loves her puppy, her little Lucky Ducky, and her family, and her brother, Riley. Lily grew up watching Riley's shows while he was in the SSMS theater department and she enjoyed the shows so much that she decided that it would be a fun experience to try one. Once she tried one, she was amazed at how fun it was and that's what put her on the track of theater! Without her brother, she would not be where she is today because she was extremely shy and did not like being on stage. She thanks her theater teacher, Ms. Olson, for putting up with everyone and still running rehearsal when everybody was being loud and unattentive. Even though she threatens to go home and cancel mid-rehearsal in those cases, she still does it and she has never actually left before. She appreciates all of the work that all the other students have put into this show and she thinks they will do great! She encourages the 7th graders to keep doing what they are doing because they would be great at Honors Theatre in 8th grade! Even though some of the other students in rehearsal do get on Lily's nerves some days, (she is going to spare the people and not say names) she really does think they are really kind and are great at what they do! She is excited for this play and to be in high school theater next year!


HARLEY GUDIEL - Terry Harley is in 8th grade and is so excited to be in Backstage. This is her 3rd play that she has been in and she loves her role. She is also in Honors Theatre and has so much fun. When she is not in theater, she is most likely spinning flag in color guard. She loves her role of Terry and hopes you do too. She would like to thank her mom for running lines with her and Ms. Olson for casting her in Backstage. She would like to give a shout out to her friends Ashley and Vesper, as this is their first play. She would also like to say congratulations to her friend, Tegan, for getting a big role. She hopes you enjoy the play.


HAILEY SPRINKLE - Kelly Hailey is super excited to be in theater this year. She played "Police officer 2" in the Honors show "Empowered" and plays "Kelly" in the fall show, Backstage. She is in color guard and can't wait for her friends and family to see her theater shows now and in the future. She would like to thank her amazing theater teacher, Ms. Olson, for being amazing and helping her grow confidence and her parents' for being supportive and encouraging her to have confidence to do it. She would like to thank her little brother and older sister for being the best cheerleaders ever. She would like to thank her Mammie for being a great supporter and coming to her shows and she would like to thank her Papa for being amazing and always asking how theater was. She would like to thank her aunt and uncle Cooper for everything that they have done and being the best aunt and uncle ever. Finally, she would also like to thank her best friend, Layla Wooton, for starting this whole journey with her. Hailey is so thankful for everyone in her life for being supportive and awesome and she hopes to make them all proud. "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"


Carol Meadows
HARINI PREMKUMAR - Carol Meadows Harini is in 7th grade and is 12 years old. A fun fact about her is that she was born on a leap day which means she is technically only 3 years old…


Mr. Runyon
RHETT NELSON - Mr. Runyon Rhett is excited to be performing the role of Mr. Runyon in his second show at Spring Station. "I think it's pretty fun to act as the crabby, bitter, old teacher." Rhett says. He would like to thank his friends, family and Ms. Olson for helping him on his theater journey. He would also like to thank the cast and crew for making rehearsals a bit more lively. Have a great show!


Sharon Anderson
COLETTE BECKHAM - Sharon Anderson Colette has always loved theater and acting and is so happy to participate in her second show at SSMS. She is in 8th grade and is in love with all things art. She would like to thank her mom and siblings for supporting her and her father for passing his artsy-ness down to her.


Student Director
SOL CANCINO - Student Director Sol wanted to be a part of her school's play so she became a student director to help out the cast and crew. She hopes she can learn a lot from being a student director.


Stage Manager
BELLA BEARD - Stage Manager Bella is a hard working girl, she has wanted to do acting for years and is very exited that she gets to this year with honors and the fall play. No matter what part she gets, whether its big or small, or if she is crew, she always puts in as much effort as she can! She loves being Stage Manager and being able to help as much as she can. She is glad that she got to know these amazing people and actors and she can't thank Ms. Olson enough for being an amazing teacher and director. Of course, she thanks her parents for giving her their time for rehearsals.


LILY ANNE KOEPPENDOERFER - Curtain Lily (also known as "Lily Anne") is in the 7th grade and her role in this year's Fall play, "Backstage", is Curtain 1. Lily Anne doesn't only enjoy the theatre though! She plays the flute in band and watches her favorite anime and manga series at home. She loves developing her artstyle as well, but her true passion is reading and writing! Concerning her theatre background, Lily Anne has only been crew and adores it! For last year's musical, she was house crew, but now she will become what she's been craving since then... Curtain! Lily's always supported dreams, "...because when you dream, and when you devote yourself to achieving it, you will find true happiness. Wallowing won't help you," she says, with a wink. I bet that Lily would encourage you to have your own dreams as well!


AVA BEISWENGER - Lights Ava is in 8th grade and this is her first time participating in a school play; although, she did play a main character in her 9 week theatre class play first 9 weeks. In addition, earlier this year, she had the privilege of playing a background character in the professional short film, "Mom Can You Change My Name?" She is excited to have the opportunity to do lighting for the SSMS production, "Backstage." She has enjoyed getting to know new friends in theater, and learning how to act and gain new skills with the technical side of things. She hopes you enjoy the show!


KADANCE BARNETT - Lights Kadance is a dancer and dances for Spring Station Middle School. She plays softball for the school also and loves to hang out with her friends. In addition, she likes to watch older movies such as The Outsiders, The Breakfast Club, and Mighty Ducks. She loves to watch plays and likes writing short stories.


LAYLA WOOTON - Curtain Layla was happy to learn that she is able to do all the wonderful sound effects for this very funny play called "Backstage". She would like to thank her friends with helping mark the parts where there were sound effects. She would also like to thank her family for supporting her and cheering her on.


ANBERLIN LEWIS - Costumes Anberlin is so excited to do this play. She has never been in a play before, other than her 9 weeks theatre class play and can't wait to start. Although she is not cast in the play, she is still very excited to be a part of crew.


MAYA SCOTT - Costumes Maya is so thankful to be able to be included in this production. She has always wanted to be in theater but was too nervous to audition. She is so thankful to be a part of this show.


ASMITHA SENGOTTUVELU - Props Asmitha is super excited to be a part of the crew for this year's fall play! She has been working on the props and loves being behind the scenes. When helping with the play, she loves to read dialogues for the cast to help them learn their lines. A fun fact about her is she is great at drawing and painting. Asmitha wants to give a big thanks to Ms. Olson and the whole cast and crew for making this experience so awesome!


LYDIA KELLEY - Stagehand Lydia is excited to particpate in her first production. When not in theatre, she plays softball for 2 different leagues/teams, is in her middle school orchestra and plays the violin.


BRIANNA LENHART - Stagehand Brianna appreciates being a part of this play! She would like to say thank you to Ms. Olson for letting her be a part of it! One thing about her is that she likes to dance and can sing.


KELLIE OLSON - Director Kellie has been teaching and directing Theatre at SSMS since the school opened in 2010. Before that, she was the theatre instructor at Heritage Middle School for 9 years. This is her 60th show to direct for Williamson County since 2002. When she is not directing shows at SSMS, she loves to travel and spend time with her 5 month old granddaughter, Georgia Kate and her Goddaughter, Sara (aka Doodle Butt). She also does acting, dancing, and script writing on the side, racking up credits in acting and writing in theatre, film, and television under her Screen Actor's Guild name, Kellie Hudson. She attended acting school at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles, CA for her AA, The University of Memphis for her BFA in Theatre Performance, Austin Peay for her MA in Arts in Education and The Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA for her MFA in Film in Acting, Directing and Screenwriting. She would like to thank all the cast and crew for putting so much work into making this show a success. She would like to thank Paula Mabry for teaching her to love the art of theatre/acting so many years ago (more years than she'd like to admit) and for staying a "constant" in her life today. Kellie's goal is to be just like her as a theatre teacher, full of inspiration and spunk! So, to her Thespian Babies, she has this message for you that was told to her millions of times by the late Josie Helming: Go on stage, say your words out loud, and don't fall off the stage!


Laura Armbruister is posing as her own substitute teacher because the school administration wants to put an end to all this drama nonsense, but they can't close down the upcoming play until they find Ms. Armbruister to fire her. Meanwhile, a fellow teacher and admirer, Steve Clarkson, is doing what he can to help Laura keep her job. But one of the students gets the wrong idea and thinks the two teachers are eloping at lunchtime! The students decide to come up with their own plan to save the show, which includes having the lead, Dave, dress as Ms. Armbruister. Other characters include an overbearing mother, bumbling stagehands, an aspiring young playwright; two journalism students who can't seem to get a story straight; and of course the school administrators who become more frantic as the opening draws closer and closer.




Brent King

Jennifer Martin

Jennifer Brown

Mary Sieman

Karen Bowden

Lori Dropp

Rebecca Adams

Ashley Harris

Band/Colorguard/Drumline Boosters for concessions



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