"Becoming Juliet" |
Dean Dyer |
Brooklyn Publishers, LLC | ||
"Sibley High, a small school in rural Somestate, has a crisis: there isn't enough money to pay for the scripts and royalties for the spring play. Cindy Andrews, the drama teacher, comes up with a desperate plan. The school will perform Romeo and Juliet. It's a difficult show for a small high school, but Shakespeare's works are in the public domain, and they already have a complete script in their 9th grade English textbooks. Meanwhile, JJ Baker, a senior girl and drama veteran, hopes to use the spring play rehearsal schedule to finally win the romantic attention of Dylan, a cynical, underachieving rebel. At the same time, Miss Andrews is being romanced by Jack McCoy, a substitute industrial arts teacher. Everything seems to be going well... almost too well--when at the last moment, tragedy strikes! The play is canceled and all appears to be lost, unless Mr. McCoy can some how fix the situation.'"
Scene List
Act 1
Scene 1: Mr. Enger's office, morning
Scene 2: High School Cafeteria
Scene 3: The stage, after school
Scene 4: The stage, two days later
Scene 5: The stage, the following Monday
Act 2
Scene 1: The stage, practice continues
Scene 2: The stage, practice continues
Scene 3: The stage, before practice starts/continues
Scene 4: The stage, weeks later, three days before performance
Scene 5: Miss Andrews Office, early morning before school
Scene 6: The stage, opening night moments before curtain
Scene 7: The stage, reception line following last performance
Directors' Notes:
This evening's performance of "Becoming Juliet" contains several lines from Shakespeare's tragedy, "Romeo & Juliet." As such, you will hear a few soliloquies presented to the audience as they would have been, and some words, phrases, and sentence structures spoken as that may have been over 400 years ago!
It is also important to know that tonight's production does deal with the serious topic of suicide in connection with one of the characters and in regards to Shakespeare's story.
Creative Team
Randy Groen
Elsa Rosemarie
Jennifer Wassenaar
Kevin Wassenaar
Meet the Company
Caleb Timmer

Ashlyn Brouwer

Maggie Setrum

Kaylee Hentges

Gabby Pederson

Maddie Vogel

Ella Brouwer

Alysia Buteyn

Preston Dehmlow

Brooke Schlegel

Etta Grannes

Elzie Wassenaar

Garrett Mulder

Ryan Harrington

Henry Ammermann

Moses De Groot

Evan Gustafson

Sophia Vogel

Layla Engstrom

Sydney Watson

Carene Jean Louis

Kelsey Hillenbrand

Hannah Graves

Cam Brouwer

Anica Damhof

Tim Brouwer

Caitlyn (CC) Roiseland

Jen Post

Ethin Mammen

Tseganesh Schwitters

Morgan Groen

Bo Duininck

Jamin Buteyn

Randy Groen

Elsa Rosemarie

Jennifer Wassenaar

Kevin Wassenaar


The Cast & Crew of "Becoming Juliet"
Central Minnesota Christian School Drama Department
Central Minnesota Christian School offers students a variety of Fine Arts in which they may participate. Whether that be Band or Choir, One Act, or Design Theory, each of these activities allows our students first and foremost bring Glory to God. In addition to this, it is our hope that through these activities they will grow in faith and deepen their competence in each discipline. Students will learn about teamwork, self-discipline, character development, faithfulness, consistency, perseverance, public presentation, leadership, excellence, and competition.
It is our prayer that through the Fine Arts our students will help their audience explore the human condition, challenge the culture we live in, and discover more about their role in it. Playing a piece of music, creating a beautiful painting, or performing an intense scene can evoke deep emotions of joy, pain, fear, triumph, or love within both the audience and the artist. Our challenge is to help students to engage their audience in a meaningful experience, and express Biblical perspective and truth through whatever activity they participate in.
Thank You!
*The CMCS Office Staff and Custodial Staff
* The Barn Theatre- Costume and prop rental.
*Nicole Gleason, KMS High School, - costumes.
*Heglund Catering- Catering the Dinner Theater
*Several community members who donated old cell phones for our production
*All the cast and crew parents for the delicious meals!
What Did You Learn About the Early 2000's?
We asked our cast and crew what they learned about the 2000's through performing this play. Enjoy these candid responses!
"The style is a lot different than I anticipated, but it was lots of fun to dress up and learn how the people around us got to live! :)" -Kaylee H
"I learned they had very different styles in the 2000s. The clothes are tighter." -Alysia B
"I didn't know that people in the 2000's were wild back then!" Henry A
"I learned the hairstyles and makeup were more extravagant than what we do now." -Jen P
"I learned that the 2000s had many different colors that they put in their outfits." -Tsegy S
"I learned that they had a bad sense of style." -Ella B
"Their style was not the best." -Layla E
"They did not have Apple Watches." -Moses DG
"I enjoyed shopping for the funky costumes!" -Ashlyn B
"I learned a lot about how they dressed!" -Carene JL
"The girls like to have big hair and wear very uncomfortable low waisted jeans." -Caitlyn R
"The amount of layering was excessive." -Etta G
"In the 2000’s, they sure did some weird makeup!" -Ethin M
"One thing I learned about the 2000’s is that they had some interesting hair choices, and were basically a mix of now and the 80s. They also loved to layer their clothing." -Brooke S
"I learned that the 2000’s was a crazy era and wore crazy clothes and I don’t like there style based off of my outfits." -Garrett M
"What I learned about the 2000's was that cheerleading uniforms aren't what you'd expect. I also learned by looking at photos that their jeans were WAY TO LOW!! Their makeup was all over the place from purely sparkles to a full eyelid of black. The 2000's were definitely a time to remember; it taught us what looks good and what prob shouldn't be brought back." -Elzie W
"Well apparently they had some pretty crummy fashion I guess, but other than that I didn't learn much about the 2000s... not going to lie." -Caleb T
"People wore a lot of goofy clothes." -Tim B
"I have learned that the hairstyles were very different from what they are now. Teasing your hair up and putting socks in your hair to make a bun. I have also learned that they used to layer their outfits with several shirts or tank tops. They had big statement necklaces and bright colored eyeshadow. I thought it was so fun experimenting with different colored eyeshadow and fishnet leggings!" -Sydney W
"IDK..." -Jamin B
"There are a lot of fun styles in the 2000's!" -Maggie S
"I learned that the fashion was not horrible back then." -Preston D
"I learned that they had a very unique sense of style, and that they must've starved themselves to be able to fit into those low rise jeans!" -Maddie V
"That the phones were unbreakable!" -Ryan H
"What I learned about the 2000's is that there's lots of weird fashion choices." -Bo D
"I learned that the style in the 2000’s was very bright and bold!" -Kelsey H
"The jeans are quite uncomfortable..." -Gabby P
"The Blackberry's had tiny keyboards." Camden B
"They had some interesting style." -Evan G
"I watched a couple new movies to understand my character as well as the 2000’s as a whole." -Anica D
"I learned that they liked clips." -Hannah G
"I wasn't here long enough to learn anything :o" -Morgan G
"That Kevin and Randy lived through them haha!" -Elsa R
"I learned that the 2000s are definitely NOT something that anyone has in their costume departments. Finding costumes that match the very layered look of dresses over jeans, colored tights with shorts, vests, low-rise flare jeans, and polos,... oh so many polos!"- Jen Wassenaar
*Mr. Wassenaar & Mr. Groen refused to answer as they know it all from living through it.