Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Based on Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot
“Prologue – Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats” – additional material written by Trevor Nunn and Richard Stilgoe.
“Memory” – additional material written by Trevor Nunn.
CCBC Essex, The Robert & Eleanor Romadka College Center F. Scott Black Theatre |
Directed and Choreographed by Bambi Johnson |
Nathan Scavilla |
Sammy Jungwirth |
Scenic Artist Theresa Foggo |
Lighting Designer |
Sound Designer Toni Oliver |
Costume Designer Elizabeth Jaspan |
Wig Designer Tiffany Zellner |
Makeup Designer Tigga Smaller |
Stage Manager Becky Flickinger |
Technical Director Jason Randolph |
Asst. Technical Director David Martin |
“Memory” – additional material written by Trevor Nunn. |
Cockpit in Court Summer Theatre is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council. To discover more about the Maryland State Arts Council and how they impact Maryland, visit msac.org. |
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Musical Numbers
Setting: Abandoned Warehouse
Time: The night of the Jellicle Moon
Act I
Overture | The Orchestra
Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats | Company
The Naming of Cats | Company
The Old Gumbie Cat | Munkustrap, Jellylorum, Demeter, Bombalurina, Gumbie
The Rum Tum Tugger | Tugger, Quaxo, Bombalurina, Company
Entry of Grizabella | Grizabella, Demeter, Bombalurina
Bustopher Jones | Bustopher Jones, Jennyanydots, Bombalurina, Jellylorum, Company
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer | Griddlebone, Quaxo
Old Deuteronomy | Tantomile, Coricopat, Tugger, Munkustrap, Deuteronomy, Company
The Song of the Jellicles | Deuteronomy, Munkustrap, Victoria, Jemima, George, Alonzo, Carbuckety, Skimble, Bill Bailey, Quaxo, Admetus, Gus, Demeter, Bombalurina, Gumbie, Jellylorum, Cassandra, Company
The Jellicle Ball | Company
Grizabella: The Glamour Cat | Grizabella
Act II
The Moments of Happiness | Deuteronomy, Jemima, Company
Gus: The Theatre Cat | Gus, Jellylorum
The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles | Munkustrap, Rumpleteazer, Carbuckety, Mungojerrie, Deuteronomy, Company
Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat | Deuteronomy, Rumpleteazer, Skimble, Jellylorum, Company
Macavity: The Mystery Cat | Macavity, Demeter, Bombalurina, Girls
Mr. Mistoffelees | Tugger, Company
Memory | Grizabella, Jemima, Munkustrap
The Journey to the Heaviside Layer | Company
The Ad-Dressing of Cats | Old Deuteronomy, Company
Finale | Company
There will be one fifteen-minute intermission
Creative Team
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Bambi Johnson
Nathan Scavilla
Whitney Russell
Becky Flickinger
Sammy Jungwirth
Theresa Foggo
Thomas P. Gardner
Lizzie Jaspan
Toni Oliver
Tiffany Lynn Zellner
Tigga Smaller
Victor Scigala
Xander Bell, Loren Johnson
Amy Bell, Joey Hellman, Arianna Lapp, Aaron Partin
Katelynn O'Connor
Jason Randolph
David Martin
Meet the Company
Michael Shipman

Aaron Knight

Hanna Lyons

Sam Ranocchia

Shannon Lloyd-Ragan

Lizzie Detar

Wayne Ivusich

Katie Sheldon

Alyssa Bell

Anthony Case

Erin McArthur

Emma Hammett

Erin Acerno

Katelyn O'Connor

Anne Acerno

Lisa Pastella

Sara Ulrich Scavilla

Meagan Jenkins

Laura May

Kapone Washington

Aaron Fletcher

Austin Barnes

Jared Shiver

Ryan Garbee

Erin Bourn

Tristin Goodenough

Adam Goldsmith

Veronica Lane

Caitlin McLauchlin

Lizzy Jackson Fleischmann

Ethan Howard

Ariel Chaillou

Lisa Rigsby-Geiger

Ryann Nicole Reich

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Bambi Johnson

Nathan Scavilla

Whitney Russell
Becky Flickinger
Sammy Jungwirth

Theresa Foggo

Thomas P. Gardner

Lizzie Jaspan

Toni Oliver
Tiffany Lynn Zellner

Tigga Smaller
Victor Scigala
Xander Bell, Loren Johnson
Amy Bell, Joey Hellman, Arianna Lapp, Aaron Partin
Katelynn O'Connor
Jason Randolph
David Martin
BWW Q&A: James Hunnicutt on CATS & GRAND HORIZONS at Cockpit In Court Summer Theatre
Cockpit in Court Summer Theatre will present a diverse lineup of shows this season. From July 19 to August 4, audiences can enjoy the beloved musical "CATS," directed by Bambi Johnson, which brings the whimsical world of T.S. Eliot’s poetry to life with Andrew Lloyd Webber’s iconic music.
Running concurrently from July 19 to August 4 is the contemporary play "Grand Horizons," a heartfelt comedy by Bess Wohl, directed by Linda Chambers. Looking ahead, mark your calendars for the holiday special "A 1940’s Radio Christmas Carol," by Walton Jones, David Wohl, and Faye Greenberg, running from December 13 to 15, promising a nostalgic and festive theatrical experience.
James has been involved in the Baltimore theatre community for over 30 years. He has performed, choreographed and directed at multiple theatres and is the current Artistic Director for Cockpit In Court Summer Theatre. He holds a BS in Theatre - Acting Track, from Towson Univeristy. He has enjoyed working at so many different theatres, including: F. Scott Black's Towson Dinner Theatre, DCT, Cockpit In Court, PFT, Vagabond Players, MD Arts Festival, Roland Park Country School, Beth Tfiloh, Fells Point Theatre and Children's Playhouse of Maryland...not to mention the numerous high schools. Besides performing, his other joy was teaching dance to children and watching them grow into nice young performers. It is the one thing he wished had been available to him growing up.
Why did you choose Cats and Grand Horizons for Cockpit's upcoming season?
We chose Cats because it was something not done in our area and we knew the right director - Bambi Johnson. We also had limited space to build in our scene shop as the Mainstage was getting a renovation during the entire spring. We then chose Grand Horizons because it was a newer work that featured older characters and would be something we felt our audiences would find interesting.
Can you share some insights on the recent renovation of Mainstage and any changes the audience might notice?
Surprisingly, the audience won't notice much of a change. We had our entire rigging system replaced, after 50 plus years. This will enable us to do more with our lighting and fly system than we have done in the past. So hopefully, future shows will have more options when it comes to scenery.
How can individuals get involved in Cockpit In Court Summer Theatre?
Cockpit is always looking for board members and volunteers. Potential board members can submit their names, and are then invited to sit in on two meetings to see if they would like to go up for nomination. For someone who wants less of a commitment, we offer volunteer services, such as ushering, concessions, and raffles. This way the can help support the theatre and also get to see the show for free.
Can you share any information on the upcoming season for next year?
We are in the throws of coming up with shows for the 2025 season. However, we are going to do a holiday show this year, in December. 'A 1940's Radio Christmas Carol' will be presented December 13-15. A fun take on Dickens's A Christmas Carol and has songs as well. Hopefully something different for people experience this coming holiday season.
What inspired your interest in teaching dance to children and watching them grow into performers?
When I went to college I took a few dance classes and the teachers were always pushing me to continue. I had a friend directing a kid show and asked if I could help teach some dance steps. Since choreographers were not in abundance, i started getting calls from other friends or directors. I realized after working with some of these young performers over the years, how much they grew as individuals on the stage and also in their schooling experiences. It always felt great to hear how those inspired would go find other options to continue to grow in the field of dance and even go to college to become performers or teachers. It made me feel my joy of what dance is continued through these students to pass along the knowledge.
Why must audiences come and see the shows?
If you've never seen 'Cats' this is the way to see a full stage production at a family friendly prices. It is a classic for a reason. As for 'Grand Horizons', this show is funny and thought provoking at the same time. Anyone who has been married for many years will find moments to reflect on. It does have some adult language and content but I don't believe this takes away from the experience or the message of the story.
Theatre Patrons Association
Be an Angel! – Your gift to Cockpit in Court helps us keep quality theatre alive in our community. Ticket Sales cover only a portion of the cost of the season, so even a small gift can make a big difference. Become a TPA member, and help keep the magic alive!
Kings and Queens | $200 and above
Danielle Alderson
Tim and Carol Evans
Dave Guy
Dennis Nonemaker
Ronald Stokes
Linda Yienger
Royal Family | $100 – $199
Tom & Sophia Montgomery
Regents | $50 – $99
Arlene Falke
Jamie Halcott
Sandra Merritt
R. Christopher Rose
Link Warfield
Friends of the Court | $10 – $49
Karen Bayne | Gary Brown | Jean Carr
David Coarts | Linda Klingmeyer
Colleen Kuhn | Winnie Levinson
L. Katherine Moore | Bruce Stevens
Maxine Tolly | Alma Wills
Artistic Managing Director | James Hunnicutt
Administrative Manager | Lisa L. Boeren
Producer | Dr. R. Michael Walsh
Technical Director | Jason Randolph
Assistant technical Director | David Martin
Box Office Manager | Lisa L. Boeren
Box Office Assistant | Thom Purdy
Business Manager | Johanna Lawrence
Communications Assistant | Cathy Kratovil
Production Photographer | Trent Haines-Hopper
THsquared Photography
Production Liaisons to the Board | Toby Hessenauer, Chris Rose
James Hunnicutt | Artistic Managing Director
Lisa L. Boeren | Administrative Manager
John Chrzanowski | President
Thomas Hessenauer | Vice-President
Cathy Kratovil | Secretary
Robyn Alvarez | Patricia DeLisle | Xander Conte
Theresa Foggo | Eva Grove | Dave Guy
Sammy Jungwirth | H. Ray Lawson | Andrea Marsh
Sophia Montgomery | Marge Ricci | R. Christopher Rose
Dr. Sandra L. Kurtinitis, President, CCBC
Dr. Joaquin Martinez, Provost & Vice President of Instruction
Melissa Hopp, Vice President, Administrative Services
Dr. R. Michael Walsh, Dean of Arts & Communication
Damon Krometis, Interim Director of the Arts
Nicholas Van Horn, Chair, Performing Arts and Humanities
Michael Elspas, Asst. Director, Creative Services
Marc Smith, Technical Director, CCBC Dundalk
Moe Conn, Technical Director, CCBC Catonsville
Marc Ershler, Campus Director, Essex
CCBC Essex Foundation
Bob Denton
Hereford High School
Codey Odachowski
Heidi Pensell
Tidewater Players
STAR Centre