The Fillmore Central High School | ||
Production of | ||
Disney'sBeauty & The Beast |
Howard Ashman & |
Linda Woolverton |
Originally Directed by |
Robert Jess Roth | ||
Disney Theatrical Productions | ||
Original Music Supervision and New Arrangements by Michael Kosarin | ||
Dance Music Arrangements by Glen Kelly | ||
Orchestrations by Danny Troob | ||
Disney's Beauty and the Beast |
Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.mtishows.com |
Song List
Act I | Act II |
1. Overture | 13. Entr'acte |
2. Prologue | 14. Wolf Chase 2 |
3. Belle | 15. Something There |
4. Maurice & Belle | 16. Human Again |
5. Wolf Chase | 17. Beauty and the Beast |
6. Me | 18. If I Can't Love Her (Reprise) |
7. Belle (Reprise) | 19. A Change in Me |
8. Home | 20. The Mob Song |
9. Gaston | 21. Home (Reprise) |
10. How Long Must This Go On? | 22. Transformation/Finale Ultimo |
11. Be Our Guest | 23. Bows |
12. If I Can't Love Her |
The Role of Beast...
The role of Beast will be played by members of the cast.
Even through Cameron can’t be here with us, we hope you will still see him in those he left behind. Physically you will see a traveling costume passed between cast members that signifies the beast, but we think you will also see that in tonight’s show, the role of the Beast is still played by Cameron.
Cameron left us so soon, and he left a piece of himself in all of our hearts: his smile, his energy, his enthusiasm, his love for the Lord, his sense of humor, his kindness. Through our rehearsal time, we have found that being together and sharing those little pieces of Cameron with each other makes him feel not so far away. So, when we were faced with the task of filling his role in this show, it is obvious that no single person could fill those shoes. We will need every little piece of Cameron we have left to fill that role: so we have decided to do it together.
One ugly moment for the Prince resulted in years of anger and despair. He had to learn to love again: to open his heart to kindness and friendship. That transformation has become even more real for us over the course of this production. We have felt anger, grief, and helplessness. Grief is its own kind of beast. With the help of our community, we are all working to be transformed by love and friendship.
We asked the cast to share some memories of Cameron and the musical. We would like to share a few with you here:
My favorite memory is when Cam would growl as beast.
When Mac, Olivia, Cameron and I were setting up backstage before we had a crew and Cameron fell off of the tower and almost broke it.
When we would go to the rec center and run lines and Cameron would do the funniest roar in the world.
Creative Team
Jodi Meyer
Jeffery T. Schwarz
Tom Belanger
Melissa Houchin
Allene Cumpston
Benjamin T. Kaye-Skinner
Brock Godown
Amity Swartzendruber
Meet the Company
Annika Frook

Cameron Knight

Ashtin Clark

Avery Schwarz

Averie Scheil

Ayden Jackson

Jaci Howell

Zachary Coash

Adela West

Ellie Janing

Evelyn Meyer

Kathryn Godown

Adilyn Myers

Kendra Lauber

Alexis Rodriguez

Anna Janing

Ella Cook

Emma Egger
Gabriel Weaver

Hannah Myers

Kayla West

Lauren Godown

MacKenzie Salmon

McKenzie VanDeWalle

Reilly Vrbka

Amity Swartzendruber

Olivia Knight

Henry Schwarz

Makenna McCoy

Hadley McCoy

Kaili Head

Alex Howell

Hallie Verhage

JaeLynn Geweke

JoLee Gewecke

Phoebe Tripp-Theye

Wyatt Vrbka

Jodi Meyer
Jeffery T. Schwarz
Tom Belanger
Melissa Houchin
Allene Cumpston
Benjamin T. Kaye-Skinner
Brock Godown
Amity Swartzendruber
Thank You
A show like this cannot happen without lots of support. We would like to thank the following for their generous contributions: Josh Cumpston, City of Geneva, pit musicians, The Costume Shoppe, the Cinema Association, Mr. Wusk's construction class, FC One-Act, FC School Board, Fine Arts Boosters, Fillmore County Foundation, Ryun Theobald, Dawn Temme, Coach Gabe Eberhardt, Nate Meyer, and Apryl Schwarz. We would also like to thank our anonymous donors.
Behind the Scenes