BWW Stage Mag EMPOWERED - Mustang Performing Arts Center Stage Mag


SSMS Honors' Theatre
Mustang Performing Arts Center
Written by
Don Zolidis
Directed by
Kellie Olson
October 25 at 7pm
October 26 at 2pm
Published by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.


At This Performance

At this performance the role of...

Customer 1 will be played by

Abi Hummel


As I began this project, I was hesitant because I only had 4 students who had ever done a play with me before. However, I also began with confidence because during auditions, I realized how far the Theatre program at SSMS has come and how very talented this group of kids are.  I have previous students who were never interested in Theatre before, now majoring in Theatre in colleges across the country while others are working professionally. That alone, makes me feel very fulfilled.  I have been able to light a spark in some of my students that have taken them in a direction that they would not have dared to venture otherwise. 

In regards to this particular production, I am very proud to say that I have had very little issues or problems. The cast was wonderful and they have put their heart and soul into their roles.  I chose this play because I thought it was a great way to start this years' season because of the message that it relays.  I wanted people to realize that although life may seem unfair, cheaters never win their intended prize and hard work is the only way to really succeed. 

This is a farcical play with over the top, exaggerated characters but it is a play with a real message. Some would say the message is to do what you have to do to succeed no matter what that is while others would say that the message is that lying never gets you anywhere and you will eventually get caught. Whatever message you come away with, just know that I support the idea of that message as it is always a great idea to be the true, authentic version of yourself regardless of your losses or gains. 

Finally,  I want to send a huge shout out to Mrs. Paula Mabry, of Starkville, MS, who taught me everything she knew about  theatre and taught me to love it enough to make it my career. While teachers have been getting a bad rep from some these last couple of years and are dropping like flies, the truth of the matter is that teachers are a great influence on students and Mrs. Mabry is proof of that!  I hope to be just like her someday!  (Although some have already accused me of such, calling me "Mini Mabry")  If I affect just one student in the way in which Paula Mabry affected me as a child/student, I have succeeded. 

To my Thespian Babies, I offer you some advice:  Go forward, “SPARKLE”, say your words out loud and don’t fall off the stage!   (My college professor/acting instructor used to say the same things to us and although it always made us laugh, it was good advice.)

To everyone else :  I hope you enjoy the show!


Kellie Olson, Director



Mandy/Girl Scout 1
Gracie/Girl Scout 2
Kaylie/Girl Scout 3
Vicky Vitello
Sparkles the Unicorn
Jo and Elderly Lady
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Police Officer 1
Police Officer 2
SEC Agent 1
SEC Agent #2

Creative Team



Meet the Company


KALAYA TAYLOR - Amaryllis Kalaya is a 13 year old that is thrilled to be playing the lead role, Amaryllis. This is Kalaya's 4th production at SSMS but she has always wanted to act. Kalaya wants to thank her Aunt Vickie, Mom, and her uncle, Ronnie. Lastly, she wants to thank Ms. Olson for directing 4 plays a year and teaching her how to act. "I am not throwing away my shot".⭐️-Lin Manuel Miranda


HARPER JEFFERS - Beenie This is Harper's first play, and she is very excited to be in Honors Theatre! She knows that everyone will do great, and that everyone will love the show! She would like to thank her parents for encouraging her every step of the way!


EVAN HUFFMAN - Potz Evan has never been in a play but in his words, "now he is". Evan is in the SSMS band and is planning on trying out for the SSMS basketball team. In his free time, he plays basketball and rides his bike down to Main Street. His plan in life is to get an economics degree and become an entrepreneur.


KATIE GRACE LOCKHART - Mackenzie Katie Grace is in 8th grade honors theater and is thrilled to be cast in Empowered. This will be Katie Grace's 2nd show since her first play was the spring musical last year as her debuting role as Diana Hopkins in Suddenly Someone. She would like to thank her mom for always doing her hair for call time and her dad and brother for always running lines with her. She would also like to thank Ms. Olson for sparking her love of theater by casting her in that role of Diana in the spring musical. Her favorite hobby outside of performing is drawing and anything "art" related. A very wonderful and truthful quote to end with is this: “ It was only in theater that I lived.” Oscar Wilde


LILY KIRKPATRICK - Cheyenne Lily still remembers when she was in the beginning of 7th grade and she decided to try out for her first show and got cast as Cruella De Vil. She thought that was a good role and she tried out for another...the musical, because she has a passion for singing. She got ensemble but that did not stop her! Now, she is in 8th grade and super excited for her first honors theater show! Lily saw her brother, Riley, do shows all the time at SSMS but Lily was very shy and quiet and did not like standing on stage until she realized that she was amazing at memorizing! She was able to get the part she wanted in this show, Cheyenne, and she is thrilled! She could have never imagined anything more amazing in her life (Besides being given the gift of life, of course) and she is having a wonderful time in honors theater. She really wants to give a shout out to her family and especially her brother, Riley, because he was really the one who inspired her and really put her on the path of doing what she loves now. She also wants to send a special shout out to her puppy, Lucky Ducky, because she has been there for her, gives the best snuggles and she is the best emotional support animal ever! She also wants to give a shout out to her best friends: Dani, Aslyn, Katie Grace, and Olivia for being such supportive friends and always being there for her. She loves french fries and food, in general, as she is a very "snack-y" type of person. She also has a big passion for reading, and when she grows up, she would like to be a librarian and would love to work at a public library or work in the library at Spring Station Middle School because it is just such a nice place to be and it is very calming. She is super delighted to be in theater and to have this wonderful experience and she has to thank her theater teacher, Ms. Olson, for putting up with her students. LOL We all know she hates "blocking" (a theatre term meaning the movement of the show) so we just have to thank her for all she has done for this show. Finally, Lily wants to share her passion about Winnie The Pooh. She wants to meet him when she goes to Disneyland during fall break and now considers him her husband. Lily has some more people to thank, which is last year's theater "8th graders" who made last year's experience even better because they were such a vibe to hang around and she misses them very much since they have moved on to high school this year. However, she is excited to be reunited with them next year. She hopes this show goes well and she does not forget her lines. She will be giving autographs at the end of the show and she would be thrilled if you could ask her for an autograph because that has been her dream. :)


KEYONA TAYLOR - Kennedy Keyona is a 13 year old that is ecstatic about playing the role of Kennedy, as that is the part she wanted. She has been crew for 2 shows at SSMS because of athletic conflicts but this time, she is stepping out of her comfort zone to be IN the show as a cast member. This year is her last year at SSMS and it's now or never. She would like to thank Priscilla and her family for encouraging her to try something new and her friend, Ava, for doing theatre with her this year.


DANI RODRIGUEZ - Beatrice 14-year-old Dani has one word to describe this year: ecstatic. After taking a risk and signing up for the Fall Show last year and getting cast, she was quickly enveloped into the SSMS theater family, and she couldn’t be more thankful for the experiences she’s had so far. While hanging out with last year’s 8th graders, she got to hear about all the different opportunities that come with being an 8th grader, and she spent all summer looking forward to being able to act every day in Honors Theater. “Empowered” will be her third show at Spring Station. Her past roles include the Queen of Hearts in last year's “Once Upon a Pandora’s Box” and Ms. Kampros in “Suddenly Someone the Musical”. She also looks forward to portraying the role of Laura Armbruister in the upcoming fall show, “Backstage” which is November 8-10. Get your tickets now! haha Dani would like to thank her friends, the 8th graders from last year’s Honors Theater program, who she considers to be her “big siblings” who inspire her to do the best she can. She would also like to thank Ms. Olson for putting in numerous hours to make sure every show is the best it can be. Without her, Dani wouldn’t have been cast in the shows that sparked her love of theater. She would also like to thank her friends for always being there for her. She’d like to thank her parents for helping her navigate a busy schedule and her sister, Charlotte, for making her laugh and gladly running lines with her. And lastly, she would like to thank YOU for coming to this show and supporting the program. She would like to let you know, in the words of Audrey Hepburn, that “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I’m possible!"


Mandy/Girl Scout 1
ALICE PETERSON - Mandy/Girl Scout 1 Alice joined honors theatre this year because since she was little, she daydreamed of being in a play. This will be Alice's first play and she hopes to do a great job and "wow" the audience. A few things Alice likes to do are sewing, dancing, and hanging out with her friend, Sophia Culmer. Alice wishes all her fellow theatre classmates, good luck!


Gracie/Girl Scout 2
REAGAN GRACE BOISE - Gracie/Girl Scout 2 Reagan has always loved performing ever since she was in Ms. Olson's theater class in 6th grade. She absolutely loved it! Believe it or not, this is Reagan's first play but she hopes there are many more coming. Reagan dreams of becoming a professional dancer and actress and lives by one motto: take it day by day. She would like to give thanks to her parents for always supporting her no matter what she wants to do. She would also like to give a special shout out to her friends: Vada, Noraa, Tylar and Bella for always believing in her, no matter how crazy her ideas are. Reagan says," Take it day by day!"


Kaylie/Girl Scout 3
BELLA BRENNAN - Kaylie/Girl Scout 3 This is Bella's first play on the SSMS stage. This 8th grader enjoys sports such as softball and tennis but in this play, is playing the role of Kaylie, and is loving it. She wants to thank her friends for encouraging her to sign up for honors theater, and to her parents for going over lines with her.


Vicky Vitello
PRESLEE SURDAKOWSKI - Vicky Vitello Preslee is really excited for this year's Honors play as this is her first play at SSMS. She is in band, where she plays the trumpet, and is hoping to tryout for the Track team. She is a fun loving, adrenaline seeking girl. She would like to thank her Father for always being there for her and encouraging her to fear nothing at all. Quotes that she tries to live by and that descibe her tenacity to a tee are: "One day I'm gonna make onions cry!" and "Bravery is acknowledging your fear and doing it anyways."


AVA GARRETT - Ellen Ava is so excited to be in this play and having the opportunity to play the role of Ellen. This is the first play she will have been in and she got the part she wanted. She would like to thank her friend, Keyona Taylor, for pushing her and encouraging her to be in honors theater and encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone, since she is otherwise an athlete. She would also like to thank Ms. Olson for giving her the opportunity to be able to be a part of this show.


RHETT NELSON - Patrick Rhett is ecstatic to be participating in his very first show at SSMS. He is in band, and first became interested in theater when he had theatre class with MS. Olson for the 9 week rotations in the 6th and 7th grades. He feels like the role of Patrick suits him pretty well and that is the part he wanted so he is excited. "Maybe it's because he's such a fun, optimistic guy," Rhett says. He would like to thank his parents and friends, who encouraged him along the way. He would also like to thank Mrs. Olson for giving him this opportunity. Thank you, and enjoy the show!


Sparkles the Unicorn
VADA CHAISSON - Sparkles the Unicorn Vada likes to read, does wrestling and takes school very seriously. At night, Vada becomes a bat--- just kidding.....but wouldn't that be cool? Vada also enjoys talking in 3rd person. This will be Vada's first school show and is excted because she got the role she wanted. She would like to thank her friend, Reagan Boise, for being a nuisance to society and she thanks her family for always being there.


Jo and Elderly Lady
SOPHIA BROWN - Jo and Elderly Lady Sophia is pleased to participate in her first show at SSMS. She figures it is be great to be the only true customer with a name, while simultaneously being an old woman. "Perhaps it is the moderate amount of lines," she states, appreciating the simplicity of mainly being a side character. Remember, there are no small parts, just small actors. Her main goal in life is to be a writer. Her secondary goal in life is to have at least five pet cats.


Customer 1
BELLA BEARD - Customer 1 Bella has always wanted to be an actor but she never had the chance to start until she got into Honors Theatre and therefore, the honors play. She was very exited and even though she got a small role, she is very glad she gets to work with amazing students and she hopes that they will continue acting. She also hopes that she will be able to grow as an actor. She is very thankful that she has amazing friends and family encouraging her and helping her stay on top of everything. She is very thankful that she gets to be behind the scenes in the Fall play, Backstage, as Stage Manager as that is what she wanted. Finally, of course, she is very thankful that she has an amazing theater teacher, Ms. Olson. She really hopes that everyone will like the play because they all worked very hard on it.


Customer 2
COLETTE BECKHAM - Customer 2 Colette has always loved acting and has finally gotten out of her comfort zone to audition for her first show at SSMS. She is excited to participate in this play, even if she is only a small role because, small or big...she still gets to act and that's all she wants. She is excited to also play a larger role in the fall show, November 8-10, at SSMS and hopes you have the chance to see it. She would like to thank her mom and siblings for supporting her and her dad for passing his artsy-ness down to her.


Customer 3
SOL CANCINO - Customer 3 Sol Is very happy to be a part of this play and would like to thank her mother and father for bringing her into this world, Sol's older brother for bullying her into making good choices and Sol's friends: Emily Lynes, Erika Findlen, Maya Scott, and Micah Geruntino for listening to Sol rant on and on about what she does in the play. She is very sorry for talking their ears off.


Police Officer 1
LAYLA WOOTON - Police Officer 1 Layla is so excited to be in her first play at SSMS. She is in Band and Color-guard and plays the saxophone. She was thrilled to know that she got "Police Officer 1" in Empowered as that is what she asked for and is a part of the fall show, "Backstage" crew. She never had the confidence to try out acting, but with the encouragement from her family and friends, she decided to give it a try. She would like to thank her mom for being there for her when she was going over her lines and her Dad and brother for being encouraging when she needed it. She would also like to thank her friends for giving her tips in acting and for cheering her on when she is on stage. She would like to especially thank her best friend, Hailey Sprinkle, her co-star "Police Officer 2", for always being there for her and for giving her more and more confidence each time she's with her. "There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family."


Police Officer 2
HAILEY SPRINKLE - Police Officer 2 Hailey has always wanted to do theater. She does color guard at SSMS and this is her first year in theater. She was thrilled when she found out that she got Police Officer 2 in "Empowered" as that is the role she wanted and Kelly in "Backstage," the Fall Show. She hopes to be an actress when she grows up or even star on Broadway. She thanks her mom for always being there and encouraging her to start theater, her dad for always helping her go through her lines and being a cheerleader when she was going to give up, her twin sister for always being there and being supportive even when things are hard, her brother for always complimenting her when she does her lines, and her best friend, Layla, for going into theater with her and encouraging her to not be scared and do her best, and the rest of her family... including her aunt and uncle Cooper and her grandparents, who she hopes to impress in whatever show she does this year or in the future. Hailey thinks that without any of those supporters, she wouldn't be where she is today and she hopes that they know that she will make them proud and continue on. "Shoot what you aim at" - A wise man, Her dad. “Love forgives and embraces imperfections, understanding that makes us beautifully human.”


SEC Agent 1
HARLEY GUDIEL - SEC Agent 1 Harley would like to thank Ms. Olson and her mom for helping her run lines with her. She hopes to continue with theater in the future. She loves acting and hopes to someday be the lead in a show.


SEC Agent #2
AINSLEY HALEY - SEC Agent #2 Ainsley has always loved theater. This is her eighth show, and she is so excited to play the fun role as an SEC Agent! She would like to thank her parents for helping her rehearse lines, her Mimi for encouraging her to continue theater, her friends in the show, and everyone attending!


KELLIE OLSON - Director Kellie has been teaching and directing Theatre at SSMS since the school opened in 2010. Before that, she was the theatre instructor at Heritage Middle School for 9 years. This is her 59th show to direct for Williamson County since 2002. When she is not directing shows at SSMS, she loves to travel and spend time with her 5 month old granddaughter, Georgia Kate and her Goddaughter, Sara (aka Doodle Butt). She also does acting, dancing, and script writing on the side, racking up credits in acting and writing in theatre, film, and television under her Screen Actor's Guild name, Kellie Hudson. She attended acting school at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles, CA for her AA, The University of Memphis for her BFA in Theatre Performance, Austin Peay for her MA in Arts in Education and The Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA for her MFA in Film in Acting, Directing and Screenwriting. She would like to thank all the cast and crew for putting so much work into making this show a success. She would like to thank Paula Mabry for teaching her to love the art of theatre/acting so many years ago (more years than she'd like to admit) and for staying a "constant" in her life today. Kellie's goal is to be just like her as a theatre teacher, full of inspiration and spunk! So, to her Thespian Babies, she has this message for you that was told to her millions of times by the late Josie Helming: Go on stage, say your words out loud, and don't fall off the stage!

EMPOWERED: How One Girl Scout Nearly Destroyed The World's Economy


Amaryllis is determined to win her Girl Scout troop's cookie-selling contest, but she'll need more than charm to win first prize (a unicorn!) and avoid last place (which means getting kicked out of the troop!). So when sales droop, she naturally turns to the financial sector for advice. Soon she's faking a terminal illness, franchising her methods, and contracting with a payday lender to offer 30-year loans for cookies.



Katie Grace Lockhart

Dani Rodriguez

Aileen Lockhart

Alice Peterson

Keyona Taylor

Kalaya Taylor

Ava Garrett

Jennifer Martin

Jamison Scott

Mary Sieman

Sara Harris

Michael Finger

Olivia Moncayo

Indiana Buck

Zoey Campbell

Tegan Smith

Abi Hummel


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