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BWW Stage Mag Elf The Musical JR. - Agape Players Stage Mag

Agape Players Presents

Book by
Music by
Lyrics by
Based upon the New Line Cinema film written by David Berenbaum
Originally produced by
Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures
In association with Unique Features
In accordance with the Dramatic Performing Rights License, all advertising, such as posters and program covers, must include the show logo as provided in the ShowKit® Director’s Guide and all of the following author billing. It is a violation of your contract if you crop or edit the logo in any way.    [name of school] (50% Type Size) Production of   ELF JR. - THE MUSICAL (100%)   Book by Music by Lyrics by THOMAS MEEHAN and BOB MARTIN (50% of title size, or no less than 20% of logo artwork) MATTHEW SKLAR (50% of title size, or no less than 20% of logo artwork) CHAD BEGUELIN (50% of title size, or no less than 20% of logo artwork) Based upon the New Line Cinema film written by David Berenbaum (25%)   The names of the Composer, Lyricist and Bookwriter shall be equal in size, type, coloring, boldness and prominence. No billing shall appear in type larger or more prominent that the billing to the Authors except for the title of the Play. If the credit to the Authors is greater than 50%, the film credit shall be no less than 60% the size of the Authors' credit. In addition, you agree to include the following on the main credit page inall programs: Originally produced by Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures In association with Unique Features   In advertisements of 1/4 page size or less, or where only the title of the play, performance dates and venue are provided, the following "shortened billing" is permissible: ELF JR.



Elf The Musical JR. Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.

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Song List

Happy All The Time
World's Greatest Dad
I'll Believe In You
A Christmas Song
World's Greatest Dad (Reprise)
Never Fall In Love (With an Elf)
There is a Santa Claus
The Story of Buddy
A Christmas Song (Reprise)
Sparklejollytwinklejingley (Reprise)

Creative Team

Kellie Welch


Eloise Ellis


Ron Townsend

Music Director

Evan Welch


Bonnie McKinley

Stage Manager

Hayley Savage

Stage Crew

Corban Webster

Stage Crew

Isaac Lee

Spotlight Operator

Alex Welch

Lighting/Music Technician

Special Thanks

We would like to give a speical thanks to Bella and Bonnie McKinley for painting our scene panels, Laura Calkins for designing pretty much any kind of prop request we throw her way, Heather Black for sewing Buddy's amazing costume, and Rich Welch for bringing to life Evan and Ellie's vision for sets. 

Thank you to Matt Slaven who took time at the start of tech week to help set up and educate us on the best way to optimize our sound equiment.

We know there are so many others that have helped and have done more than we probably even know about. So thank you to ALL of the cast member's parents that have pitched in and given so much of their time to help make our production a success.

Last but certainly not least, thank to the the church and the Agape Homeschool Co-Op board for all the extra time you put in with sound, extra rehearsals, and tech week! We appreciate everything you do for us!

Meet the Company

Timothy Black

Timothy Black - Buddy Timothy Black (Buddy Hobbs) Is over the moon excited, because he will get to dress up in a bright green and yellow costume, while dancing and singing Christmas songs (Christmas songs are Timothy's favorite style of music, especially in October). Timothy has been doing theatrical performances since the day he was born. He would like to thank his mom especially, for making his costume out of bright green and yellow fabric, and thank the rest of his family for being mildly supportive. He hopes you enjoy "Elf Jr The Musical."

Sydney Elliott

Sydney Elliott - Jovie Sydney Elliott (Jovie) is excited for another great show! Sydney has been doing theater for years now and has had so much fun performing. Some of her favorite musicals she's been in include: "The Sound of Music," "Mary Poppins," and "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!" She would like to thank God and all of her family and friends for their support. Enjoy the show!

Jonah Crory

Santa Claus
Jonah Crory - Santa Claus Jonah Crory (Santa, aka the magic fat guy with a flying sleigh) is hyped to be in his first ever drama production. Jonah is a sophomore, and loves pretty much anything that has to do with music-which includes musical theater! He hopes that even amidst all the holiday distractions, everyone can focus on the true reason for the season: the birth of the Savior. Jonah hopes that you enjoy the show as much as he has enjoyed being in it!

Owen Lee

Walter Hobbs
Owen Lee - Walter Hobbs Owen Lee (Walter Hobbs) has been with the Agape Players for a few years now and has played many diverse roles such as a good boy "Michael Banks" in "Mary Poppins" to a bad boy "Claude" in "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" (we think he was the smart one). He says howdy, howdy, and he hopes you enjoy the show!

Emily Crowell

Emily Hobbs
Emily Crowell - Emily Hobbs Emily Crowell (Emily Hobbs) is thrilled to be performing in her second musical! She is in 11th grade and enjoys anything involving music. Emily wants to thank her friends and family for all their support. She hopes you enjoy the show!

Joshua Black

Michael Hobbs
Joshua Black - Michael Hobbs Joshua Black (Michael Hobbs) is excited to act with Agape Players. He has been in several Shakespeare plays before, but this is his first musical. He thought it was ironically funny that he is cast as Buddy's half brother, since in real life he is Timothy's actual brother. Joshua enjoys a good joke, and loves to laugh with his many siblings. He also enjoys solving Rubik cubes as quickly as possible, flag football, and eating copious amounts of food, like any true teenage guy. He hopes you will enjoy the show!

Allison Crowell

Allison Crowell - Deb Allison Crowell (Deb) is super excited to be doing her second musical! She is in 10th grade and loves to dance. Allison would like to thank her family and friends for all their support! She hopes that you enjoy the show!

Isaiah Middleton

Mr. Greenway
Isaiah Middleton - Mr. Greenway Isaiah Middleton (Mr. Greenway) can't wait for you to watch "Elf Jr." Isaiah is a sophomore in high school and has been homeschooled his entire life. This will be Isaiah's seventh play at AGAPE Homeschool Co-op. His favorite role was "Bob Cratchit" in "A Christmas Carol." Isaiah thanks his loving family for everything they have done for him, and hopes you enjoy the show.

Macy Gabriele

Macy Gabriele - Chadwick Macy Gabriele (Chadwick) is really excited for another incredible show! Macy is a freshman and has been homeschooled her whole life. She has been in over 10 shows, whether that is helping out backstage, doing tech, or acting she always has fun. This is Macy's third show with Agape Players. They do a great job teaching us the show. I would also like to thank my family and my fellow cast members. Love you guys! I hope you enjoy the show!

Treh Middleton

Treh Middleton - Matthews Treh Middleton (Matthews) is so excited for another great show. Treh is in 11th grade and has been in in a total of six plays his whole life. His favorite is "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever." Treh would like to thank his family for their support throughout every play that he has participated in. Treh hopes that you enjoy "Elf Jr."

Lillian Calkins

Lillian Calkins - Manager Lillian Calkins (Manager) is excited to perform in another fun show. Lillian is a senior in high school, and this will be her 8th performance. When not performing, she enjoys reading and playing with her cats. She hopes you enjoy "Elf Jr!"

Noah Murray

Sam, Fake Santa
Noah Murray - Sam, Fake Santa Noah Murray (Sam, Fake Santa) is a junior, and he is excited to perform in another Agape Players show. This is his third year participating, and he is grateful for the opportunity to continue to be a part of this amazing cast. He hopes you enjoy the show!

Aubrey Goedecke

Charlotte Dennon
Aubrey Goedecke - Charlotte Dennon Aubrey Winn Goedecke (Charlotte Dennon) is 15 years old, lives in Bedford, NH and is in her sophomore year. Aubrey has been in fifteen productions, and absolutely loves doing theater. Her favorite part of theater is singing. When not at theater she enjoys showing dogs in 4-H, crocheting, and playing piano for her church.

Alice Dugger

Charlie, Finale Soloist #2
Alice Dugger - Charlie, Finale Soloist #2 Alice Dugger (Charlie, Finale Soloist #2) is ready and excited for another show. Alice is in the 7th grade. Some of her favorite roles include: "Sharpay" in "High School Musical, and "July" in "Annie." Alice would like to thank her family for being so supportive and ready to help in her endeavors to become the best actress that she can be.

Bella McKinley

Shawanda, Finale Soloist #1
Bella McKinley - Shawanda, Finale Soloist #1 Bella McKinley (Shawanda, Finale Soloist #1) is super excited for "Elf Jr." Bella is a sophomore and loves to sing! Some of her favorite roles in shows include "Briggitta" in "The Sound of Music," and "Alice" in "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever." She hopes everyone enjoys the show!

Emma Murray

Santa's Helper, Ensemble
Emma Murray - Santa's Helper, Ensemble Emma (Santa's Helper, Ensemble) is a senior this year and has participated in several of Agape Players' shows. She loves to sing, draw and help others. She is grateful for everyone who has made this production possible, to her parents, family, and teachers for this opportunity, and hopes you enjoy the show!

Samuel LaMarr

Security Guard, Ensemble
Samuel LaMarr - Security Guard, Ensemble Samuel LaMarr (Security Guard #1 ) is excited for his first show. Samuel is in 9th grade and has never been in a show before. He has been homeschooled for all his life, and he hopes you enjoy the show!

Ian Lee

Security Guard, Ensemble
Ian Lee - Security Guard, Ensemble Ian Lee (Security Guard #2) is excited to be acting in his third show with Agape Players. Ian is in 7th grade and started his drama experience with "The Sound of Music" followed by working the stage crew for "Mary Poppins." He hopes you really enjoy the show!

Annabelle Raiche

Sarah, Ensemble
Annabelle Raiche - Sarah, Ensemble AJ Raiche (Sarah, Ensemble) is excited for her second show with Agape Players, and hopes you enjoy "Elf Jr!"

Emmi Townsend

Elf #1, Ensemble
Emmi Townsend - Elf #1, Ensemble Emmi Townsend (Elf #1, Ensemble) is thrilled to be an official part of the Agape Players. She is no stranger to the world of drama and loves bringing her passion for dance and musical ability to every show she’s a part of. Emmi would like to thank her family for their constant love and support.

Samantha Marenco

Elf #2, Finale Soloist #3, Ensemble
Samantha Marenco - Elf #2, Finale Soloist #3, Ensemble Samantha Marenco (Elf #2, Finale Soloist #3, Ensemble) is super excited for another amazing show! This is her 3rd show with Agape Players and she can’t wait for you to see it!

Hailey Fisher

Elf #3, Ensemble
Hailey Fisher - Elf #3, Ensemble Hailey Fisher (Elf #3, Ensemble) is excited about her first show with Agape Players! Hailey is in 7th grade and has loved being on stage since kindergarten! She is so thankful for all the directors that have put so much work into this show! Enjoy the show!

Melina Witherspoon

Elf #4, Child, Ensemble
Melina Witherspoon - Elf #4, Child, Ensemble Melina Witherspoon (Elf #4, Child, Ensemble) is very excited to be doing her first production with Agape Players! She is in the 7th grade. When she is not singing and dancing, she enjoys reading and doing crafts. Melina wants to thank her family for their support and hopes you enjoy the show!

Avi Fleurant

Saleswoman, Ensemble
Avi Fleurant - Saleswoman, Ensemble Avi Fleurant (Saleswoman, Ensemble) is very thrilled for this year’s show. Avi is in 11th grade and has been doing theatre since she’s been in elementary. She wouldn’t be here without the support and love of her family and friends and hopes you enjoy the show.

Lilla Townsend

Macy's Employee, Narwhal, Ensemble
Lilla Townsend - Macy's Employee, Narwhal, Ensemble Lilla Townsend (Macy's Employee, Ensemble) is excited for her third show with Agape Players! She loves bringing her excitement for drama and love of music to every show that she is a part of. Lilla is thankful for her family's continued support and hopes you enjoy the show.

Charlotte Beaulieu

Policewoman, Ensemble
Charlotte Beaulieu - Policewoman, Ensemble Charlotte Beaulieu (Policewoman, Ensemble) is in 10th grade. She is so excited to be in her first musical performance. She is grateful God has helped her find this wonderful drama club Agape Players. Charlotte is thankful to be part of this amazing cast with her friends and family supporting her.

Rachel Drury

Policewoman, Ensemble
Rachel Drury - Policewoman, Ensemble Rachel Drury (Policewoman, Ensemble) is excited to be in her second show with the Agape Players. She is an 11th grader who enjoys reading British literature and listening to Broadway. She hopes you enjoy "Elf Jr the Musical!"

Violet Marshall

Solo Elf #1, Ensemble
Violet Marshall - Solo Elf #1, Ensemble Violet Marshall (Solo Elf #1, Ensemble) is super excited about performing in "Elf Jr the Musical" this year! Violet has been in four other shows, her favorite being "Mary Poppins Jr." Violet is in 7th grade and has been homeschooled her whole life. She would like to thank her family for all their support and love. She hopes you enjoy the Show!

Grace Gabriele

Solo Elf #2, Ensemble
Grace Gabriele - Solo Elf #2, Ensemble Grace Gabriele (Solo Elf #2, Ensemble) is 12 years old and is very excited for this production. She has been in about ten shows and has been homeschooled her whole life. This is her first show with Agape Players Teen Co., though she was in the junior ensemble for "Mary Poppins Jr" and was in Agape Players Kid Co. for two shows. She would like to thank all of the helpers that have helped make this show possible, none of this is possible without them! She loves acting and hopes that you enjoy the show they have worked so hard on. Merry Christmas!

Claire Buckley

Finale Soloist #4, Ensemble
Claire Buckley - Finale Soloist #4, Ensemble Claire Buckley (Finale Soloist #4, Ensemble) is so excited to be in her third show with the Agape Players. When she’s not singing “Sparkle Jolly,” she loves to hang out with friends and family. She’s so grateful that God has been with the cast to put on one of the greatest performances you’ll ever see!

Cianne O'Connell

Emma Van Brocklin, Dance Captain, Ensemble
Cianne O'Connell - Emma Van Brocklin, Dance Captain, Ensemble Cianne O’Connell (Emma Van Brocklin) is very excited to be participating in another one of Agape Players' performances! Cianne is a junior and has been involved with theater for six years. There has been a lot of hard work and passion that has gone into this show from the whole cast and production team. She is forever grateful that God’s providence has allowed this opportunity to grow with the amazing people around her. The support from all of you is incredibly motivating and encouraging. She is thankful for every single one of you coming out and supporting Agape Players, her closest friends and the teams behind the scenes. She hopes you enjoy "Elf Jr the Musical!" 2 Timothy 1:8-12.

Olivia Walden

Darlene Lambert, Dance Captain, Ensemble
Olivia Walden - Darlene Lambert, Dance Captain, Ensemble Olivia Walden (Darlene Lambert) is so excited to perform in Agape Player's "ELF!" She has grown up performing in plays and has been a part of Agape Players' cast for more than 3 shows. She has been dancing and singing for around 13 years and is so thankful for the chance to perform again. She would like to thank her family for always encouraging her and pushing her when it was difficult, and God for directing her constantly. She also thanks you for coming to the show, and hopes you enjoy "Elf Jr the Musical!"

Moriah Robinson

Mother, Ensemble
Moriah Robinson - Mother, Ensemble Moriah Dai (Mother) couldn’t be more excited for another great show! Moriah is a junior and has been homeschooled for four years. This is her fourth show, one of her favorite roles to play was “Mother Abbess” in "The Sound Of Music!" She would like to thank her family and friends for all their support and hopes that you enjoy the show!

Brooklyn Hasty

Teenager, Ensemble
Brooklyn Hasty - Teenager, Ensemble Brooklyn Hasty (Teenager, Ensemble) is happy to participate in the Agape Player's "Elf Jr the Musical" drama. This is Brooklyn Hasty's first year with Agape Players.

Joel Romanek

Flyer Guy #1, Ensemble
Joel Romanek - Flyer Guy #1, Ensemble Joel Romanek (Flyer Guy #1, Ensemble) is very excited to join the Agape Players for the first time this year. He has been in three plays including "Disney's Descendants," "Lion King," and "Mulan." Enjoy the show!

Gabe Elliott

Flyer Guy #2, Ensemble
Gabe Elliott - Flyer Guy #2, Ensemble Gabe Elliott (Flyer Guy #2, Ensemble) is excited for another great show! His first experience with drama was in "The Sound of Music" as a guard and he enjoyed it. He wants to thank you for coming to see "Elf Jr The Musical" and hopes you have fun!

Rachel Crory

Rachel Crory - Ensemble Rachel Crory (Ensemble) is excited to be in her first musical with Agape Players! She is a freshmen in high school, and enjoys reading and creative writing. Rachel is very grateful for the wonderful friends she has made through Agape, and thanks you for coming to see the production!

Ammiyah Fleuerant

Ammiyah Fleuerant - Ensemble Ammiyah Fleurant (Ensemble) is excited for another great show. Ammiyah is in the 9th grade and she has been doing theater since elementary. She would like to thank her family for the support and hopes you enjoy the show.

Ashlyn Grayum

Ashlyn Grayum - Ensemble Ashlyn Grayum (Ensemble) is in 10th grade and outside of "Elf" enjoys snuggling her guinea pig (Daisy) and cat (Widget), listening to all kinds of music, and baking her favorite No Bake Cookies. She is excited for you to see the show.

Christian O'Connell

Christian O'Connell - Ensemble Christian O'Connell (Ensemble) is excited for another great show with Agape Players! He has grown so much in his confidence and talent in drama this year. Much thanks to all of his friends and family supporting him throughout the preparation of this show. Thank you for coming, please enjoy "Elf Jr!"

Julia Page

Julia Page - Ensemble Julia Page (Ensemble) is very excited to perform in "Elf Jr the Musical!" Julia is in the 7th grade, and this will be her first big show. She enjoys writing poetry, singing, and reading. She is very thankful for all the support from her family!

Simone Thompson

Simone Thompson - Ensemble Simone Thompson (Ensemble) is hoping for another spectacular play! Simone is a freshman in high school and this is her third performance with Agape Players. She enjoys the storytelling of theater and other creative arts. She thanks her family and friends for the inspiration and support they have given her. She hopes you enjoy this interpretation of "Elf Jr the Musical."

Kellie Welch


Eloise Ellis


Ron Townsend

Music Director

Evan Welch


Bonnie McKinley

Stage Manager

Hayley Savage

Stage Crew
Hayley Savage - Stage Crew

Corban Webster

Stage Crew
Corban Webster - Stage Crew

Isaac Lee

Spotlight Operator
Isaac Lee - Spotlight Operator

Alex Welch

Lighting/Music Technician



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