BWW Stage Mag LBJ: The Play - Dynasty Typewriter Stage Mag

LBJ: The Play

in Netflix is a Joke

at Dynasty Typewriter

Written by
Sunny Zimmerman
Directed by
Caitlan Moore
Devised by
The Cast
Sunny Zimmerman
Soraya Perry
Albert Muzquiz
Katie Davis
Caitlan Moore

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How did this show come about? 

It all started in quarantine. With plenty of downtime on my hands, I was finally reading Robert Caro's biography series about LBJ. I was obsessed with them, and blown away by everything LBJ's story teaches us about how "good" things happen in a "bad" system. I was talking everyone's ear off about LBJ--most especially Caitlan, who one day said "You know, you should just write a show where you play LBJ." 

We happened to be with Albert, who looks like a Kennedy. So from that day on, it was locked in. For the next year and a half I kept researching and thinking about what the show should be, and Caitlan was there every step of the way to offer development and guidance.

In the summer of 2022, we were accepted into The Elysian Theater's first annual Forget About Spaghetti Festival with just a short pitch. It gave us the opportunity we needed to put on the show, and thankfully we found an audience that supported us as we keep making the show better and better with each run.

What's hard to convey about this show is just how unique the development process has been.  We say the show was devised by the cast because this wasn't a traditional "play" development process in any real sense.

 All of us have been friends for years, and many of us have been collaborating since college. We aimed to keep the script loose and offer the actors space to pitch jokes and infuse the characters with their own ideas. It made the show wildly better. 

Putting on a play is a ton of work, so we all put in a ton of work outside of our official roles! Here are some of the ways that's been true...

Caitlan has been our fearless director, but she also helped develop the show. She helped through numerous rewrites, and pitched several of the best lines in the show. She became a Q-Lab expert, and is responsible for everything you see on the slideshow. If you thought anything on screen was funny, that was all Caitlan. 

During this latest run Katie stepped into the role of producer, but was helping produce the show long before the title was official. She's also our Ear Tzar! The ears I wear in the show were made by her hand! 

Albert is not only an amazing actor but an actual fashion expert! He helped find costumes for the show, and helped us source our fabulous merch.

Soraya, aside from being an incredibly talented artist, is also an editor! She helped make fantastic promos for the show that you can watch on our Instagram page! 


Sunny Zimmerman
Soraya Perry
Lady Bird/Jackie/Momma
Albert Muzquiz
Katie Davis
Ms. Davis
Caitlan Moore

Creative Team

Caitlan Moore


Justin Porter


Selina Hernandez


Starlette Cravens


Dax Jordan

Tech Wizard

Katie Davis


How did this show come about? 

It all started in quarantine. With plenty of downtime on my hands, I was finally reading Robert Caro's biography series about LBJ. I was obsessed with them, and blown away by everything LBJ's story teaches us about how "good" things happen in a "bad" system. I was talking everyone's ear off about LBJ--most especially Caitlan, who one day said "You know, you should just write a show where you play LBJ." 

We happened to be with Albert, who looks like a Kennedy. So from that day on, it was locked in. For the next year and a half I kept researching and thinking about what the show should be, and Caitlan was there every step of the way to offer development and guidance.

In the summer of 2022, we were accepted into The Elysian Theater's first annual Forget About Spaghetti Festival with just a short pitch. It gave us the opportunity we needed to put on the show, and thankfully we found an audience that supported us as we keep making the show better and better with each run.

What's hard to convey about this show is just how unique the development process has been.  We say the show was devised by the cast because this wasn't a traditional "play" development process in any real sense.

 All of us have been friends for years, and many of us have been collaborating since college. We aimed to keep the script loose and offer the actors space to pitch jokes and infuse the characters with their own ideas. It made the show wildly better. 

Putting on a play is a ton of work, so we all put in a ton of work outside of our official roles! Here are some of the ways that's been true...

Caitlan has been our fearless director, but she also helped develop the show. She helped through numerous rewrites, and pitched several of the best lines in the show. She became a Q-Lab expert, and is responsible for everything you see on the slideshow. If you thought anything on screen was funny, that was all Caitlan. 

During this latest run Katie stepped into the role of producer, but was helping produce the show long before the title was official. She's also our Ear Tzar! The ears I wear in the show were made by her hand! 

Albert is not only an amazing actor but an actual fashion expert! He helped find costumes for the show, and helped us source our fabulous merch.

Soraya, aside from being an incredibly talented artist, is also an editor! She helped make fantastic promos for the show that you can watch on our Instagram page! 


Special Thanks

Stephanie Burchinow, our original "Teacher" and beloved, talented friend.

Derek Scully, our tech wizard and lighting designer for many of our Elysian runs. We love you Scully!!!

Evan More, who's offered us guidance on merch! Check out Scary Kittles for some cool designs.  

Alex Plapinger, who championed this show from the very beginning. 

Kate Banford and the Spaghetti Fest committee for believing in us!

Mel Barnes and Spencer Turrubiarte for being wonderful friends of the show and just all-around great people. You helped make The Elysian our home! 

Jacquelyn Landgraf, who offered us valuable script analysis. 

And finally, the entire staff of The Elysian Theater. You were why we loved that space! Most of them are *cough cough* no longer there, and we're not too happy about that. 



A Note From Sunny

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