Our American Tragedy |
Extended Run | ||
At Eastwood Performing Arts Center | ||
2024 Hollywood Fringe Festival
JULY 19 | JULY 20 | JULY 21 | ||
11:00PM | 4:30PM | 8:00PM |
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Director’s Note
The history of the United States offers us a deep well of stories for artists to excavate, and the infamous tragedy that serves as the catalyst for this show is no exception. But, when it comes to re-examining our past, we, as storytellers, have a tendency to toss the proverbial bucket over and over again into the same spots of the well, examining the same stories, hoping to mine something other than a watered-down, oft-repeated version of historical truth.
Most of the time we come up short.
So, we look to the lesser-known stories, the forgotten characters of history, in order to glean something new and interesting from our shared past. What this remarkable ensemble of actors, producers, writers, designers, dramaturgs, and technicians have strived to create with Our American Tragedy is exactly that–our attempt to dig deeper into the well and pull something up that’s truly worth excavating. What we’ve created, we hope, is something that closely captures or resembles the historical essence of the event we’re retelling, through the eyes of shadowed historical figures that were very much real, though dramatized in this version.
But, beyond historical account, what I hope we can convey with Our American Tragedy is simple. The human emotion that drives all of history.
The reason I feel that history serves as such a bottomless well from which artists love to pull is not just due to its mythological richness, complexity, or darkness. Rather, I believe what we’ve represented in this piece is that recreating human history serves as more than just an educational tool. On the contrary, retelling true stories illuminates the ways in which human beings are the same across centuries, regardless of time, place, or status.
How do we deal with tragedy? Do we turn on each other? Do we turn on ourselves? Do we ascribe blame? Or do we merely deflect? How each individual might respond in the wake of unimaginable horror, suffering, humiliation, or defeat will inevitably differ, but the collective, human response in the face of tragedy is certainly an aspect of history worth retelling, beyond just the mere factual account.
As you watch Our American Tragedy, I hope you will consider the meaning of your own human response to tragedy, whether that tragedy is personal, political, big, or small, and how that response might’ve been shared with the historical figures you’ll see represented tonight.
- Jack
Creative Team
Jack Filsinger
Emma Baker
Haley Silver
Isaac Rodriguez
Josh Montijo
Matthew Namik, Angelique Fustukjian, Nick Roy
Meet the Gang
Angelique Fustukjian

Matthew Namik

Nick Roy

Bryan Snodgrass

Luke Steinborn

Aimee Paxton

Carlos Cameron

Jack Filsinger

Emma Baker

Haley Silver

Isaac Rodriguez

Josh Montijo

Matthew Namik, Angelique Fustukjian, Nick Roy
Thank you to our donors!
Taylor HolbrookBryan Snodgrass**Mariah CarrilloKristen Miele-BeattyMcKibben FamilyEmilio RodríguezAutumn Joiner
Josh MontijoJackie BrennemanJoe & Lillian NamikJordan KaiserJennifer WarwickJosie AndersonRita PlotnickiRyan LawsonDaniella ReyesLynne K.Will WheelerChelsea KeithNathalia HernandezRodrigo CarneiroAnita Montijo |
Producers marked with a (*)
Executive Producers marked with a (**)
Special thanks to Macy Idzakovich for lending us costume pieces for our set and props!