Swallow Me Whole |
Lauren Zeftel |
Sarah Galante |
Adam Wedesky |
Kathy McCafferty* |
*These Actors are appearing courtesy of Actors Equity Association as an Equity approved showcase. | ||
Content Warning
This production contains depictions of body dysmorphia and eating disorders. Please view with care.
Creative Team
Sarah Galante
Lauren Zeftel
Cat Champlin
Adam Wedesky
Sam Siegel
Nick Webster
Merie McCown
Savanah Knechel
Alex Bernui
Actors Equity
Meet the Company
Devon McFadden
Sushma Saha
Jackie Rivera
Lia Hauser
Kathy McCafferty
Sarah Galante
Lauren Zeftel
Cat Champlin
Adam Wedesky
Sam Siegel
Nick Webster
Merie McCown
Savanah Knechel
Alex Bernui
Actors Equity
Actors' Equity Association (AEA), founded in 1913, represents more than 50,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. The Equity emblem is our mark of excellence. www.actorsequity.orgDonors
Therese Plummer Joe Plummer Tony Bernui Rachael Butkiewicz Kimberley Haley Lori Hall Meghan Crosby Katie Markey Taylor Bennett Rhianna Lewis Siren Blaiddyd Annika Gullahorn Josh Kramer Louise Schwarz Frank Pagliaro Lauren Singleton Kev Berry Beth Hicks Gina Femia Maedhbh McCullagh Thomas Roltsch Ruby Wolf Elizabeth Gough-Gordon Macy Galante Mark Anderson Jan Coplick Eric Adleman Rachel Van Blankenship Mona Zeftel Marnie Wilson Ellen Winter Bryn Weiler Shira Berger TC Lind Amara Granderson Terry Mittelman Meghan Shoop Katy Early Nancy Ely Colin Peterson Lisa Betson Chloe Mollis-McBride Lynne Absher Joe Longstreth Emma Andriatch Surrey Houlker Hannah Parke Madeleine Smith Amanda Shaffern Ian Hartz Ash Peters Rivka Reyes Michael Mayo Gabrielle Badowski Henri Blouin John Jannone Nick Zeig-Owens Bianca Teresi Katie Shelly Jae Rosenberg Kahla Brown Max B MT Anne Schoonover Joseph Pierce West Dante-Ferguson Kelsi Ford Hannah Karmer Noah Frace Lia Hauser Kathryn Cockrill Kristin Alexander Celia Aniskovich James Worsdale Ally Duvak MaryBeth Zamer Andrea Simons Leah Morgan Natalie Markoff Catherine Weingarten |