About Guelph Little Theatre
Guelph Little Theatre has presented outstanding amateur theatrical productions to Guelph and surrounding communities for nearly 90 years. Starting with a simple play reading group that met monthly, GLT’s first production, Yellow Sands, was staged in November 1935 by an enthusiastic 300-member group who loved live theatre.
Almost 90 years later and GLT is still going strong thanks to its incredibly passionate and dedicated volunteers. To get involved please visit guelphlittletheatre.com.
Great people make big things happen at Guelph Little Theatre.
Land Acknowledgement
We would like to acknowledge that the land on which Guelph Little Theatre resides is the ancestral land of the Attawandaron and Haudenosaunee people. This territory also includes the treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit. We recognize and declare our collective responsibility to this place and to the histories, rights, and presence of its indigenous peoples.
Today, Ward One is also home to other First Nations, Mètis, and Inuit peoples. By acknowledging them, we are reminded of the important connection we have to this land where we are privileged to tell stories.
Guelph Little Theatre 2024/2025 Board of Directors
President: Diane Montgomery Vice-President: Karen Allen
Secretary: Julie van Duzen Treasurer: Tyler Livingstone
Past President: Shona Sneddon
Director of Communications: Dorothy Guerra
Director of Facilities: Robin Jackson
Director of Productions: Candice Barrett
Director of Membership & Volunteers: Marion Reidel
Follow Us:
Director's Message
Dennis Gray
Board Message
Welcome to the 90th season of Guelph Little Theatre! We are thrilled to present a lineup filled with comedy, mystery, and pageantry that we believe will captivate and entertain our audiences.
Our productions and the day-to-day operations of the theatre would not be possible without the dedication of our incredible volunteers. To those who devote countless hours of their time and energy out of a love for GLT, we extend our deepest gratitude.
We hope you thoroughly enjoy tonight's performance. Now, let's raise the curtain and begin the show.
Diane Montgomery
President, Guelph Little Theatre
Creative Team
Valen Varangu-Booth
Meet the Company
Steve Sherry
Ava Ruban

Kevin Solie
Jacob Nicholson
Isla Johnson
Sophie Goodwin
Alena Goodwin
Clara Liebig

Ethan Squires
Hudson Liebig
Jenn Liebig