The Mad Ones |
by Kait Kerrigan and Bree Lowdermilk | ||
at Austin Community College Drama Department | ||
Ana Flores-Salas |
Eva McQuade Faith Trapane |
Katie Svatek |
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Letter from the Director
We continue the long slog back from The Great Lockdown and wrestle with all the things that changed. What was once the purview of dystopian fiction became a reality for the entire planet. And while the restrictions to our ability to assemble may have receded, our ability to anticipate and plan for the future remains irrevocably shaken. This is true for our fields in the performing arts, but it is also true for an entire generation. As a parent, I’ve watched my own children prepare to step into a terribly uncertain world. It is not something unique for those coming of age during the COVID crisis, but to see it unfold first hand… it’s something else.
The Mad Ones explores this question of uncertainty, centering on a young woman who is about to move on into “The World.” Written well before our world fell in on itself, the play instead frames the question between two commonplace coming of age events—learning to drive and graduating high school. These two lenses magnify just how terrifyingly exciting the leap into adulting can be.
To contextualize, The Mad Ones is not another tale of the apocalypse. Rather, it is couched in normal, everyday suburban life. It is funny, poignant, musically audacious at times (whew those key shifts!), simple and clear-eye at others. In discovering the piece, I found the author’s note at the very beginning of the script an incredibly generative entry point:
THE .MAD ONES takes place in a flash - within the seconds it would take to turn the key in the ignition of a car.
In a flash. A spark. The ignition of a car. The firing of a neuron. The birth of a universe in a sea of uncertain, undefined possibilities. I mean, think of how bright the smallest spark is when you are sitting in the dark. Now add music. Roll the windows down. Let the wind whip and sing at the top of your lungs. That dark and unknowable future brightens; you might need your sunglasses at this point… And find joy in the fact that while the road in the rearview gave you a starting point, it does not dictate where you go from there.
It has been such a joy to work with this cast and production team. We climbed into this car together and the road trip has been incredible. I am equally excited to know that the trip will not end when this show closes. The Mad Ones is a lovely jumping off point for a new Musical Theatre degree coming online in the 2023-24 academic year. For decades, the Music and Dance Departments at ACC have set a high bar for instruction in the performing arts, and each continues to produce shows of the highest caliber. I am excited to partner with them for this new offering. It seems fitting for the College’s 50th and the Drama Department’s 40th birthdays that we launch something new and bold. After all, if the future is uncertain, why not approach it with a little song and dance to make things more interesting?
We deeply appreciate your patronage for the performance. Please consider making a donation to our ACC Drama Department Scholarship fund at the link below. Your contribution will help ACC Drama students pay for their tuition, books and course materials.
Creative Team
Marcus McQuirter
Blythe Cates
Adam Sornat
Cynthia Gage
Jamie Rogers
Channing Schreyer
Desiree Humphries
Rachel Atkinson
K. Eliot Haynes
Joe Kelley
Tomas Salas
Christina Montgomery
Deyanira Macias
Shane Anderson
Meet the Company
Faith Trapane

Sarah Ferguson

Meredith Brand

Ana Flores Salas

Katie Svatek

Eva McQuade

David Dech

Marcus McQuirter

Blythe Cates
Adam Sornat

Cynthia Gage

Jamie Rogers

Channing Schreyer

Desiree Humphries

Rachel Atkinson

K. Eliot Haynes

Joe Kelley

Tomas Salas

Christina Montgomery

Deyanira Macias

Shane Anderson

Blythe Cates
Shane Anderson
Theater Practicum Students:
Hector Armendariz, Anastasia Dilworth, Brendan Gean, & Hannah Leao
Efrain Torres
Khalia Sacko
ACC Campus Security
ACC Campus Management
Cynthia Gage
Samantha Wells
ADM Staff (Perry, Nicole, Tori)