Hand To God |
Presented by Actors Cooperative Theatre | ||
Robert Askins |
Directed by: Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Produced by: Tom Lott
HAND TO GOD is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection. (www.dramatists.com) |
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Creative Team
Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Aly Aramento
Tom Lott
Brianna Arico
Laurel Forcier
Becca Scheetz
Garrett Meyer
Sara Landry
Mark Kelly, Brianna Arico, and Laurel Forcier
Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Director's Note
Hand to God is a play that I have always personally found very interesting for many different reasons. As I’ve watched the process go by, it really opened my eyes to the impact religion truly leaves on a person. I personally was raised in both The Catholic and The Jewish faith. I’ve been known to call myself a cashew (Catholic/Jew) but religion was never a large part of my childhood, we celebrated holidays, we read kids books but to me Bible Stories and Dr. Suess were always one in the same. As I grew up in a very small town I learned that people went to church every sunday, kids who sat next to me in school were in CCD and boy did they talk about Jesus in ways I had never thought to even bring up.
My relationship with Christianity at a young age was very relaxed and yet I would be in class where if someone said “Jesus Christ” because they were frustrated kids would be offended. This was the fourth grade. I also learned very quickly that these kids who had been so devoted to Jesus Christ and the Bible knew nothing about Judaism. This confused me and still does to this day. I grew up with the understanding that Judaism was part one and The New Testament, Jesus was part two, how could these people who wanted to yell about taking the lord's name in vain know little to nothing about the book they were so passionate about.
As I grew up and went through High School I became more aware, more politically active and that's when I remember hearing about the child abuse in The Catholic Church. The absolute destruction to these kids lives, and it was story after story. Once I understood what was going on I couldn’t morally support the church and frankly I wasn’t even sure I could support organized religion. The people who abuse power in the church were not following what I had learned and understood the teachings of Jesus Christ to be. They were everything Jesus would have fought against and yet here they were using his name to abuse children, and where were those Catholics upset, not wanting to hear the lord's name in vain, to me this was so much worse and yet where were they, why were they not speaking out. I had known too many people sexually abused by the Catholic church to ever consider associating myself with them. So, I dropped the Cashew and just identified as Jewish.
As I’ve become an adult I have watched people weaponize the teachings of Jesus Christ to put people down, to discriminate against people, to steal, to hurt and this still is happening everyday. I feel like the people who push this religion on others, force it down their throats, because they’ve decided everyone needs to follow their religion have no idea what the teachings in their religion are about. I watch as people who call themselves devout christians, who were taught to Love Thy Neighbor attack the gay community, the trans community and other small minority groups, and other religions in the name of Jesus Christ. This is not in the teachings of Jesus Christ. But this is what they’ve warped his teachings into to best serve their agenda.
Religion and spirituality has never been an agenda for me. I don’t need a church to have a connection with God, nor do I need a group telling me what to do, what relationship with God I should have and what I need to be doing. I don't want a church that wants to parent me as an adult and I will never stand by an institution that abuses children, does nothing to stop it and covers it up. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror if I did.
This show has reminded me of all that the word of Jesus is used for and it’s too commonly everyone's personal self interests. I’m thankful that I was brought up in a household that let me learn religion on my own and explore for myself. I’m very grateful both of my parents never forced any religion on me. I remember as a child how casual my parents were about religion as to not push it. I remember my Mother would always say “I have a direct line to God at all times and I don’t have to go to church to talk to him.” and my Father would remind me that he “Wasn’t a practicing Jew he had it perfected” (I liked to say I was performance ready). I have so much respect for them and the way they raised me. So as you watch this show I encourage you to explore your faith and never feel guilty asking questions or holding organizations accountable. Your relationship with God is yours and no one can take that from you.
Meet the Company
Mark Kelly
Erika Ellis
Jesse Drake
Mackenzie Goodwin
Sam Campanella
Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Aly Aramento
Tom Lott
Brianna Arico
Laurel Forcier
Becca Scheetz
Garrett Meyer
Sara Landry
Mark Kelly, Brianna Arico, and Laurel Forcier
Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Angèlica Forcier Rosenthal
Special Thanks
Community Players of Concord
Kids Coop Theatre
23/24 Season
"The Trail to Oregon!" by Starkid Productions- May 3-12 2024
"Cruel Intentions: The '90s Musical" by Lindsey Rosin, Jordan Ross, Roger Kumble- August 2-11 2024
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