BWW Stage Mag Hula Girl - Akasaka Red Theater, Tokyo, Japan Stage Mag


at Akasaka Red Theater, Tokyo, Japan


The Japan Academy Award

The Best Screenplay & The Best Production

"One Mountain, One Family!"




Azusa Inamura

Youichi Kobiyama

Shiori Shiori Ogidou

Misaki Aoki

Kousuke Abiko

Natsumi Ushio

Santarou Urashima

Syuri Nakamura

Riko Miyahara

Rin Nagasuma

Maika Kotonami

Yuka Nakamura


Munetoshi Takubo


Chiyo Sasaki

Wako Ito

Yuuki Kurubi

Kazuyo Ubukata

Mikako Fujita

Saki Ishii


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Meet the Company

Azusa Inamura

Azusa Inamura - In the theaters in Japan, I discovered my profound love for acting. Every moment on stage brings a thrill, and I find immense joy not only in performing but also in witnessing the magic of fellow actors. My passion isn't confined to the proscenium; I adore radio dramas and cinematic performances alike. Even in my downtime, I immerse myself in the art, constantly honing my craft. I'm working tirelessly toward the day when I can boldly proclaim, "Acting is my forte!" 🎭 In our latest production, 'Hula Girl: The Musical', it's truly heartwarming to see the audience transported to the vibrant shores of Hawaii. Every curtain call is a testament to our collective dedication, ensuring every audience member feels the balmy Hawaiian breeze. I aim to bring a renewed energy and fresh perspective with each performance. For all theater enthusiasts reading this, I await the chance to share our story with you on the Broadway stage!

Syuri Nakamura

 Syuri Nakamura - I am affiliated with Ohta Production. Off the stage, I find solace in the pages of a good book, capturing moments through my camera lens and getting lost in the cinematic universe. My laid-back personality often surprises those who witness the energy I bring to every performance. A peculiar fact about me? I have an undying love for sweet potatoes. The emotions stirred in me when I first watched "Hula Girls" remain indelible in my memory. It's an honor to venture into the reimagined world crafted by the talented Mr. Habara, the genius behind its original script. From the rhythmic beats of the Tahitian dance to the heartfelt narratives, I am committed to collaborating with my fellow performers. Together, we aim to recreate and share that profound emotion with every audience member at the Akasaka Red Theater. Join us on this captivating journey.


Nasubi - As a proud member of the 'Marufuku Bombers' theater group, my dedication to the arts runs deep. When I'm not immersed in scripts or rehearsals, I indulge in my hobby of collecting Gundam merchandise – a testament to my love for storytelling in all its forms. Moreover, my hands have mastered the delicate art of creating sweets, which, if I dare say, are as delectable as any Broadway performance. Born and raised in Fukushima Prefecture, the roots of my ancestry trace back to Yumoto in Iwaki city, making me intimately connected to the surrounding areas, including the famed Joban Hawaiian Center, now celebrated as Spa Resort Hawaiians. Childhood memories flood when I remember my time there, marveling at the vibrant Hawaiian spirit amidst the Japanese landscape. The haunting echoes of the Great East Japan Earthquake still resonate within me, painting vivid memories of a time of loss and resilience. In the face of adversity, the hula girls emerged, dancing as beacons of hope and becoming symbols of the region's enduring spirit and recovery. Now, as we delve into the early days of these iconic figures, I can't help but feel that destiny has woven our paths together. With every performance, every line, and every dance, I promise to infuse the soul of Fukushima – my home – to honor its spirit and share its tales of tenacity with the world."

Kobiayama Youichi

Kobiayama Youichi - In the vast world of theater, where the stage becomes an ephemeral universe, I stand as a unique confluence of contrasts. Off the stage, I'm engrossed in the strategic dance of Go, captivated by the intricacies of parliamentary broadcasts, finding solace in the harmonious act of cooking, and grounding myself in the therapeutic joys of home gardening. With a 2nd dan in Kendo, my movements on stage carry the discipline and precision of a seasoned martial artist. My personality? A fiery blend of Leo-born destructive optimism with the unpredictable flair of blood type B. While my heart thrills to the enigma of advanced mathematics like Fermat's Last Theorem and the vastness of cosmic border Tauberian theory – realms I confess elude my full comprehension – it's the elusive 'presence beyond acting' that has been my muse for 45 long years. Though I have yet to fully grasp this transcendent state, my journey in the theater isn't about immortalizing my performances in the annals of audience memory. Instead, it's about relishing every moment, every emotion, and every applause with genuine, heartfelt joy. For isn't theater, after all, the celebration of life itself?

Miyahara Riko

Miyahara Riko - As a dedicated member of Staff-Up, my journey in the world of theater is fueled by an insatiable curiosity. When I'm not on stage or immersed in rehearsals, you can find me lost in the pages of a gripping novel, sampling the subtle notes of a new perfume or relishing the ambiance of my favorite cafes. With a linguistic flair for English and French, I bring a touch of international charm to my roles. Much like the spirited young ladies in 'Hula Girls,' I find sheer joy in immersing myself in what I adore daily. It's an exhilarating adventure, and I'm forever thankful for the environment that allows such passions to flourish. Our cast is a mosaic of individual convictions, each actor bringing their unique essence. Through spirited conflicts, fierce competition, and candid confrontations, we aim to present a performance that's nothing short of a soul's impassioned cry. And, as the vibrant rhythms of hula beckon, I pledge to devote myself to mastering every sway and gesture, ensuring our audience experiences the best of the dance. Here's to a performance that promises to be both captivating and unforgettable! 🌺

Chiyo Sasaki

 Chiyo Sasaki - Representing the Treasure Film Television Production, my journey in the arts has been one of passion and unyielding commitment. Among my unique skills, I take immense pride in bringing picture books to life with my voice, investing every ounce of emotion into every story I read aloud. There's no tale too small, and I promise to make each one resonate as if it were an epic. Since my tender years, the rhythmic allure of dance has captivated my soul. The countless hours spent learning and perfecting each move speak volumes of my unwavering dedication. Now, as I step into this remarkable production, where the fervor of daily life, family bonds, and camaraderie ties converge in a passionate dance of emotions, the excitement is palpable. Though the worlds of hula dance and theater are newfound terrains for me, brimming with mysteries and challenges, I'm prepared. I'm ready to grapple with the unknown, to reflect deeply, to revel in the joy of discovery, and most importantly, to channel my profound emotions and boundless energy to you, our cherished audience. Your support fuels my journey, and I remain eternally grateful!

Shiori Ogidou

Shiori Ogidou - In the quietude of my introspective moments, you'll find me lost in the pages of a book or taking leisurely walks to untangle the threads of my thoughts. Engaging in profound philosophical discussions with loved ones and penning down my reflections in a diary are pursuits that nourish my soul. Yet, my spirit truly comes alive with the melodies of a song and the rhythm of a dance. It fills me with immense joy and gratitude that "Hula Girls" serves as the auspicious beginning to my odyssey in the world of acting. Embracing the comforting nuances of the Fukushima dialect, I am determined to bring to life the tales of those valiant women who stood unwaveringly to defend their cherished homeland. Though my journey as an actor is in its infancy, my vigor and enthusiasm are age-old. With an unyielding spirit, I promise to light up the stage, and in terms of raw energy, I am second to none! My deepest aspiration? To impart to our esteemed audience the fortitude and hope to embrace each new dawn with renewed vigor. Your presence in the theater not only supports my craft but also fulfills my dreams. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey!"

Nagatsuma Rin

Nagatsuma Rin - Hailing from the picturesque Shimane Prefecture, I am proudly affiliated with Rural Artists Co., Ltd. A unique aspect of my artistic journey is my passion for singing children's songs. This isn't just a hobby for me, but also a special skill that I've honed over the years. With dreams as vast as the skies, I fervently hope to grace an NHK educational program with my presence regularly, sharing the joy of song with young minds. A cherished memory from my formative years is watching 'Hula Girls' as an impressionable elementary school student. The strength, grace, and spirit of the women in the film left an indelible mark on my young heart. I thought, 'One day, I aspire to embody that same spirit and resilience!'. The news of its stage adaptation reignited that flame of aspiration, with a fervent hope echoing, 'Should fate grant another chance, I will undoubtedly seize it'. Today, as I stand on the cusp of realizing that dream, my heart swells with gratitude and emotion. With these profound feelings, I am committed to diving deep into this work, giving every scene, every dance, and every line my all. Join me on this incredible journey as dreams take flight!

Wako Ito

Wako Ito - Originating from Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, I proudly represent Watanabe Entertainment on my artistic journey. My formative years were spent pirouetting and leaping to the rhythms of classical ballet, fostering a deep-seated love for dance and acting that has only intensified over time. Outside of the theatrical realm, my recent infatuation is a quest for the perfect gyoza (dumpling). When passion takes hold, it does so with fervor, and presently, my world deliciously revolves around these savory delights. Now, turning the spotlight on "Hula Girls". As the tapestry of time-shifted from the Showa to the Reiwa era, certain things remain timeless, steadfastly anchoring our cultural heritage. Everything is a culmination of its past, evolving and adapting to the present. This sentiment is beautifully encapsulated in "Hula Girls". Growing up, the rich legacy of Hawaiians and "Hula Girls" was a familiar tune. The devastating tremors of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 still resonate within my heart, and I promise to channel the depth of those emotions into every scene. Collaborating with the visionary Mr. Habara and our dedicated ensemble, my resolve is unwavering: to present the most heartfelt and captivating rendition of "Hula Girls" to our cherished audience."

Misaki Aoki

Misaki Aoki - Representing by Watanabe Entertainment, my journey in the world of the arts is illuminated by song and dance, two passions that have long danced in my heart. Blessed with a natural vivacity, my energy and cheerful demeanor can light up any room. My guiding principle? "Always have fun and give it your all." I genuinely believe that when you pour love and joy into whatever you do, it radiates back to you manifold. A unique gift I possess is the ability to bond and forge connections instantly; no stranger remains a stranger for long when around me. Diving into the narrative of "Hula Girls", I'm moved by the tales of resilient women united by hope and love for their cherished Fukushima. Though known for my unwavering stubbornness once I've set my heart on something, I envision channeling this determination to bring to life a vivacious woman bursting with zest and charm. I promise to treasure every moment I spend on stage, ensuring that I transmit a wave of infectious energy and joy to our esteemed audience with every scene, dance, and line. Together, let's make this a memorable experience!

Maika Kotonami

Maika Kotonami - Represented by Watanabe Entertainment, my world finds its rhythm in the melodies of songs and the harmonious moves of dance. My intrinsic zest for life infuses an undeniable energy and cheerfulness into every endeavor I undertake. Bound by the motto, "Always have fun and give it your all," I enthusiastically approach every project. One of my innate talents is my knack for fostering connections, bridging gaps, and building relationships with ease. Indeed, no one remains a stranger in my presence for long. In "Hula Girls," I see a reflection of relentless hope and passion - stories of indomitable women working tirelessly for the renaissance of their beloved Fukushima. My stubborn nature, often resolute when I set my heart on something, will be channeled to depict a radiant woman brimming with vivacity and charm. As I step into the world of "Hula Girls," I vow to treasure each moment, ensuring that I spread warmth, joy, and the exhilarating spirit of the story to each audience member. Join me in this vibrant journey, and together, let's create magic on stage!

Yuuki Kurubi

Yuuki Kurubi - Proudly associated with the esteemed Gekidan Seinenza Theatre Company, my journey as an artist is colored with diverse experiences. My affection for animals knows no bounds. Recently, I've been indulging this passion by assisting in the care of horses. Their gentle nature and majestic beauty captivated me. However, as nature would have it, I uncovered an unexpected twist while brushing these beautiful creatures - a newfound horse allergy! Born and raised in the historical Fukushima City of Fukushima Prefecture, my roots run deep. This year marked a significant transition in my life as I moved from the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene landscapes of Minamisoma City in Fukushima, continuing my vocation as an actor. Minamisoma City and Iwaki City have rich coal mine legacies and are nestled in the Hamadori region. There's an undeniable, almost mystical, connection between the 'past of Fukushima,' which is the backdrop of our narrative, and the 'present me.' It feels as if I've journeyed through a time tunnel, bridging histories and memories. With this profound connection fueling my spirit, I am committed to giving my all, ensuring every performance resonates with the heartbeat of Fukushima's legacy. Join me in this immersive tale as we traverse time and emotions together.

Kousuke Abiko

Kousuke Abiko - Hailing from the heart of Fukushima City in Fukushima Prefecture, I am an actor whose passions intertwine the vibrant tapestry of Fukushima, the culinary arts, and the joy of fun-filled moments. As a certified chef and a sweets connoisseur, the world of flavors and textures is my playground. However, my interests are not limited to the kitchen; I am an avid manga and anime enthusiast, finding stories and inspirations in their intricate plots and illustrations. Equipped with a diverse skill set, from the art of cooking to the agility of basketball, the charm of MCing events, and the reflective nature of essay writing, I've embraced every opportunity to grow and diversify as an artist. Now, as I step into the universe of 'Flower Girl,' the resonance is profound. Being a resident of Fukushima, the narrative is more than just a story; it's a piece of my heart. Rooted in real-life events, a saga pulsates with unparalleled energy. My mission? To channel this energy, bring to life the authenticity of sweat, tears, and friendship bonds, and share this incredible tale with audiences far and wide. I am wholeheartedly committed to not just celebrating Fukushima but uplifting the spirit of all of Japan through this performance. Join me in this heartfelt journey, and together, let's bask in the magic of storytelling!

Yuka Nakamura

Yuka Nakamura - I wear my emotions on my sleeve with a candid personality that mirrors transparency. Clarity and straightforwardness define me. When I'm not on the stage, I step into the shoes of a fitness trainer. From strength training to a myriad of health-focused disciplines, I thrive in physical well-being. Beyond the sweat and grit, I find solace in the stars, with astrology being a passion that often fascinates and captivates me. As I gear up for my encore with 'Flower Girl', memories of my past performance come flooding back. The challenges of mastering the hula and Tahitian dance were not lost on me, and I remember swearing off it for good, thinking, 'Never again!' Yet, the pull of the stage and the narrative's allure have me back in its embrace. Determined not to be overshadowed by past trials, I'm committed to evolving, outdoing my previous performance, and presenting the story with newfound fervor and dedication. As I take this journey one step at a time, I pledge to offer you the 'Best Flower Girl Ever'. Join me on this transformative journey, and together, let's make magic on the stage!

Kazuyo Ubukata

Kazuyo Ubukata - As a proud mother of two, my world brims with joys and challenges. My heart resonates with the serenity of Okinawa, the thrill of traveling, the affectionate wag of a dog's tail, and the simple pleasure of savoring a delectable meal. In the theatrical universe of 'Hula Girl', I don the role of Kinu, a mother. The parallels between my on-stage character and my real-life role are uncanny. As I grapple with the unique trials of guiding my daughter through her transformative teenage years, I bring authenticity and raw emotion to my portrayal of Kinu. From my last portrayal, I recall a sense of Kinu's spirit, a gentle nudge of reassurance whispering, 'It's okay, it's okay.' I can't help but wonder what revelations and messages she holds for me this time around. With heartfelt commitment, I'm eager to breathe life into Kinu's character again. I promise to infuse every scene with the depth of a mother's love, honoring both the narrative of 'Flower Girl' and the rich history of the Joban coal mine. Please join me in this poignant journey as we explore the depths of motherhood and legacy together.

Natsumi Ushio

Natsumi Ushio - Passion and sincerity form the foundation of my existence. With a heart that finds solace in the eloquence of silence and the simple wonders of nature, I am often found harmonizing with the song of birds or being entranced by the dance of flowers in the wind. In moments of melancholy, I find solace in the rhythm of the song and the therapeutic act of shredding cabbage. The culinary arts are a haven for me; the fusion of fresh vegetables, beans, and fish is a testament to my affinity for simplicity. The roles I embrace come alive with raw emotions. The characters I portray are often trapped in whirlwinds of desperation, making choices that, while earnest, lead to clashes and deep introspection. I bring this intricate dance of emotions to the stage, hoping to touch the hearts of the audience and evoke a zest for life. When I step into the shoes of a character, I aim to set their soul alight. But beyond the stage lights, I, Shiomi Natsumi, strive to live with sincerity and integrity, cherishing each moment of every day. In this Reiwa era, my deepest wish is for a beacon of hope to illuminate the paths of all. Join me on this artistic journey, and may we discover the radiant possibilities that lie ahead."


 Silsa - A spirit that dances to the rhythm of nature and relishes the serenity of solitude, I find solace in the vastness of the sea and the majestic heights of mountains. My journeys often lead me to scenic walks, invigorating hot springs, and the joy of solo travels. Among life's many pleasures, the sizzle of grilled offal (hormone yaki) holds a special place in my heart. Four years have swiftly passed, and I find myself on the cusp of diving into the fervor of dance training once again. A symphony of nerves and excitement fills my soul. With fresh faces joining the ensemble, my resolve only strengthens: I will shine, and they won't overshadow me! The stage is set to breathe new life into "Hula Girls." Each day allows me to push boundaries, and my commitment is unwavering. With unity as our mantra and passion as our driving force, we pledge to showcase a "Hula Girls" performance like never before. Our collective spirit resonates with the phrase, "One mountain, one family!" Join us in the theater. Become a part of our renewed journey, and watch as we rise to this invigorating challenge!"

Mikako Fujita

 Mikako Fujita - Drawn to the global tapestry of flavors, I am an ardent admirer of books and TV shows that take culinary voyages across the world. While I may never don the chef's hat myself, the sheer joy of visual feasting and imagining the rich, tantalizing flavors is enough to satiate my soul. Some might not comprehend the thrill of dreaming about foreign dishes I may never taste, but to them, I say, 'let it be' with a hearty laugh. In the theater, our anthem echoes, "One mountain, one family!" With renewed zeal and a newly formed ensemble, I am determined to elevate the magic of our performance. Beyond the stage's spotlight, my dedication extends to the behind-the-scenes tasks – from assisting with props to lending a hand at the reception. In a slightly tangential update, I've recently embraced the world of electric-assisted bicycles. As I pedal my way to rehearsals, I not only hope to contribute to our collective vision but also amass a renewed vigor and energy for our impending show! See you there with all the enthusiasm in tow!

Santarou Urashima

 Santarou Urashima - Equipped with the discipline and power of karate, I find solace and strength in weight training and running. It's a unique kind of love, cherishing the ache in my muscles after a strenuous workout and letting it invigorate my spirit. Over the years, 'Flower Girl' has journeyed from its remarkable achievement at the Japan Academy Awards in 2006 to the majestic Akasaka ACT Theater stage in 2008, subsequently enjoying revivals in 2017 and 2019 under the Showa Entertainment House banner. I take immense pride in saying that I've been intertwined with this production more deeply than anyone else in Japan. Coincidentally, or perhaps by fate, the day the curtains rise for this rendition of 'Flower Girl' marks my 45th birthday. This unique bond makes me feel an unparalleled closeness to the narrative, often making me consider it as my creation whimsically. In the wake of the world's transformation post-pandemic, revisiting a true tale of a coal town that grappled with change and faced the emergence of oil feels profoundly timely. Whether it's your maiden experience or a fond revisit, I vow to harness every ounce of my strength, every fiber of my muscle, to craft the most riveting 'Flower Girl' performance you've ever witnessed!

Munetoshi Takubo

Munetoshi Takubo - Strumming my guitar and letting melodies flow and the serene joy of bringing visions to life on paper with my drawing skill constitute the core of my free moments. Guided by the philosophy, 'It will be as it will be. It can only be as it will be. Everything depends on oneself,' I've embraced a positively carefree approach to life. Journeying back 15 years, the illustrious stage of Akasaka ACT Theater witnessed my debut in the maiden performance of 'Flower Girl.' Since then, I've had the honor to be part of two splendid renditions spearheaded by the Showa Entertainment House. As I prepare for my fourth dance with this beloved narrative, the production resonates deeper than ever. 'Hula Girl' is not just a tale of rejuvenation and resilience but a testament to the intrinsic 'power to live' that pulsates within us all. It beautifully mirrors the unyielding energy that drives humanity, especially during adversities. Join us at the theater, and together let's immerse in this magnetic energy that 'Flower Girl' promises to evoke!

Saki Ishii

Saki Ishii - Steering the rhythm and beauty of Hula & Tahitian dances, I've dedicated myself to shaping the dance narrative and structure of this iconic tale. When the evening hues paint the sky, you might find me savoring a refreshing drink, my favored hobby that relaxes my soul. A trip down memory lane to 2008 reveals a vibrant chapter of my life when I donned the role of one of the resplendent 'girls' for the 'Hula Girl' spectacle at Akasaka ACT Theater. A chapter marked by passion and transformation that spanned half a year. As the sands of time flowed, my role transitioned from a performer to a beacon of guidance. Overseeing rehearsals, I've come to resonate deeply with the raw struggles, the battles against self-doubt, and the euphoria of triumphs. The journey from hesitance to the uninhibited sway of hips in dance is what I fondly term as 'being born'. This transformative arc, replete with its accompanying joys and challenges, forges a poignant connection with the protagonists of our tale and their determination to 'Save the Mountain'. This season, fueled by unparalleled zeal, I'm geared to push boundaries. With our rallying cry, 'One Mountain, One Family!' resounding in our hearts, we'll etch an unforgettable dance story.

Daisukei Habara (羽原大介)

Screenplay & Director
Daisukei Habara (羽原大介) - Screenplay & Director Mr. Habara is a highly acclaimed screenwriter in Japan, recognized with multiple awards, including the Japanese Academy Award for Best Screenwriter. He majored in literature and began his career in the 1990s, creating intricate, heartfelt stories exploring human relationships with delicacy and sensitivity. His unique storytelling approach has made him one of Japan's most influential screenwriters, inspiring countless writers. His screenplays frequently explore themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, depicting the most complex aspects of human relationships. He also captivated audiences worldwide with his ability to craft deeply human and empathetic stories. Throughout his career, Mr. Habara's contributions to Japanese TV and theater have earned him numerous awards and recognition, including multiple Japanese Academy Awards for Best Screenwriter. His legacy inspires new generations of filmmakers and screenwriters with his unique storytelling style.


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